So yes, this is a day of squee. For one, I got around to watching Heroes.
My comments can be summed up as OMFGsqueeee!!!!!
So yes, Hiro! Ando! HRG! Sylar! Adam! Seriously, you guys. Fangirl glee with awesomesauce on top.
-Hiro the corporate mogul is bored and wants an adventure. Love! And somehow him being suspicious of Ando, not trusting him, but telling him anyway, how totally Hiro is that? A little wary, a little burned from everything (Kensei, anyone?) but still dorky and honest enough to actually tell Ando why he was mistrustful.
-Claire the emo kid. I mean, the getting hit by a train thing? Cutting on a bigger scale. So okay yes, the thing with Sylar was seriously creepy and I can see her being traumatized by it, but wow.
-And speaking of Sylar, he's baaaaaaaack. *g* I admit it, I like him. He's deliciously evil. I like him more than Mohinder the whiny intellectual and Maya the just plain annoying. Plus he's way more awesome than the new bad guys from level five. They're just randomly destructive, killing for no reason. At least he does it with a purpose.
-HRG continues to be kickass and still a great dad. Except for assigning pyro bio-mom to protect his family because wow, fox guarding the henhouse much? Totally do not trust her, I still remember how quick she was to scam both Nathan and Claire about the hush money.
-Oh, and Nathan? Few screws loose there. I'm wavering on his whole saved and born again bit. I'm hoping it's either some elaborate act to fool future!Peter (doubtful, unfortunately) or a temporary mental lapse from the whole dead/not-dead experience. I'm hoping most of all it doesn't last. Preachyness, bleh. Also, did future!Peter bring him back (did he ever get a hold of Linderman's power?) or did something else? Maybe Nathan absorbed a little of Peter's gift for healing? Or Peter can transmit as well as absorb other's powers and subconsciously wanted Nathan to live?
-Present day Peter being stuck in another person's body, WTF? How does that even work? How does he no longer have all his powers? What happened to the dude who used to occupy that body? Sooooo many gaps there.
-And the end. You guys. Ma Patrelli (who is the scariest person on the show and you know it) is Sylar's mom. Which makes Sylar Claire's... uncle? And Nathan and Peter's half brother? Or full brother, who the hell knows. Unless she was screwing with him, which is entirely possible.
-And I saw Adam. In Ma Patrelli's dream, he was there, which means he survives being buried, in one future or another. There needs to be a scene where he confronts Hiro, and Hiro takes responsibility for the part he had in making Adam who he is now. Because he was way too guiltless about burying the man alive.
So, yes. Show! I've missed you so. ^_^
And for another,
Clay Aiken Comes Out. I mean, dude. Yes, okay, we all knew. But yay for him!