Finding Judas

Nov 28, 2006 22:42

So, new House tonight. I knew there was a reason I loved Tuesdays. Also, OMFG this episode killed me, administered CPR, then killed me again.

I haven't seen most of the earlier episodes, although I've read recaps. So I know House has gone off the pills before, in Detox, but damn. He really is out of control. The man went completely off the rails and nearly cut a little girl apart because he screwed up the diagnosis. And how much did I love Chase pulling the House-sudden-realization? So much.

Cuddy was right about him. He does hold back. When he wants to be, the man is vicious. Telling Cuddy it's good she never had kids after she's had a miscarriage? And he was riding the ducklings hard, too. Through the ep you could see them all starting to wonder why they hell they were bothering to protect him. I loved Chase in this, from the obvious disgust he had for Tritter's manipulation to the way he barely reacted to getting punched in the face. He just kept on explaining what the kid had. Not even a moment to give House a look like I can't believe you just fucking did that. And House... come on, he's got to face this. He's got to face what his misdiagnosis almost cost, and why he screwed up. He ought to be thanking Chase because what if they hadn't caught it in time? What if he only found out after the amputation?

In the end, it was Wilson who saved him. Chase would've made the deal in anger, and probably not gotten a light punishment for House. Wilson beat him to it because someone has to stop House and he's doing it in the kindest way possible.

I thought the little conversations with Tritter were okay--Foreman made me laugh and Chase made me realize what a complete slime Tritter is. Again. Cameron was only okay, mostly because it bugged me that Tritter jumps to the "you love him" conclusion. That storyline is dead, let it rest. I did like how Cameron points out his assumption, that because she's the girl she must love him. It was a little meta, actually.

House needs to make some apologies. A lot of them. But of course, he won't. Also, someone is writing rehab fic, aren't they? Somewhere?

...actually, judging by the snips of dialogue already pinging in my head, I might be writing it myself.

In other news, I got all inspired by naughtybookworm and her series of House kidfics and kinda started writing one of those. I know, it seems impossible, House and kids existing realistically together in the same story. Actually, I'm starting to think it might really be impossible.

Now. Must get up early to take the kid to school. Must not stay up half the night playing type-slave to rabid plot bunnies. *tears self away from computer*

Fanfic. It's like Vicodin, in a way.

review, house

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