Ficlet: Abstinence, Gil/Greg

Oct 26, 2005 21:48

So there's this weekly drabble prompt over at gil_loves_greg, and this week was Abstinence. Well, that was just irresistable. *g* So I wrote a snip, and the lovely elmyraemilie betaed for me, and now we have a silly, fluffy little bit of story. CSI, Gil/Greg, in which Greg thinks abstinence sucks. Because, come on. It does.



“This sucks,” Greg muttered. He was sprawled across the bed on his belly, half his face buried in his pillow and the one he customarily stole from Gil, watching morosely as Gil moved back and forth across the bedroom.

“It’s only two weeks,” Gil said absently, hunting through his perpetually disorganized closet.

“Two? I thought the class was only a week?”

Gil paused, and gave him a faint, apologetic smile. “The class is, yes, but that’s only theory and procedure. There’s another week of field training after that, for the real hands-on experience.”

Greg shuddered at the thought of hands-on experience with dead body recovery. “You make it sound so fun.”

“I have been looking forward to it, actually,” Gil replied, and then made a little triumphant sound when he located his suit jacket, buried in a far, dark corner of the closet.

“You would.” Greg sighed, rolled over, and scowled at the ceiling for a bit. “Why do they need you to teach this thing?”

“I’m not the only teacher; I’m just giving a few lectures on forensic entomology and determining time of death by insect activity.”

“Hmm.” Flopping back to his belly, Greg propped his chin in his hands and watched, unable to suppress a smile as Gil looked around distractedly, a faintly perplexed expression on his face. “Just my luck I had to fall for a bug genius.”

Gil gave him a warm glance over the rims of his glasses. “That wasn’t my fault.”

“Oh it so was,” Greg countered, pleased when Gil stopped packing and came to sit beside him on the bed. He wriggled over, laying his head in Gil’s lap and wrapping one arm around his waist. “You enticed me with all that,” he waved a hand vaguely, “brilliant stuff. And then had the balls to look all surprised when I kissed you. Like you didn’t have it planned to the second. I’m on to you.”

“Hmm.” Gil stroked his hair for a moment, and then chuckled. “Would it surprise you to know that I was actually caught completely off guard?”

“You’re not fooling anyone, buddy,” Greg said, and twisted, offering his shoulders to be rubbed. He gave a low, happy murmur when Gil obliged.

“You give me too much credit, Greg. I may know insects, but people... well, they’re more complicated.”

Greg rolled over and looked up at Gil, who smiled down at him as he always did, both amused and a little baffled to find someone in his lap no matter how many times Greg went there. “I think you’re doing just fine,” Greg said. “Maybe you don’t have every person in the world figured out, but you’ve got at least one.”

“One down, six billion to go?”

“Something like that.” Greg raised himself up on his elbows and Gil leaned down, kissing him briefly before sliding out from beneath him.

“I’ve got to finish packing,” he said, glancing at his watch. “My flight’s in two hours.”

“That’s plenty of time.” Greg eyed the line of Gil’s thigh through his slacks, and then his ass as he bent to retrieve his shoes. “I think a little goodbye sex is in order here.”

Gil’s look tried to be disapproving, but it was ruined by the sly slant of his mouth. “I’ll miss my flight.”

“And wouldn’t that be a shame.”


“Two weeks! I’ll go into withdrawal. I’ll shrivel up and barely be able to get out of bed. Everyone at work will be terribly worried and think you’re starving me or something.”

Gil rolled his eyes, but his lips were twitching with barely suppressed laughter. “You may be exaggerating a bit.”

“Only a little,” Greg argued. He lounged sideways on the bed and tried for seductive, but probably missed, if Gil’s dubious expression was anything to go by.

“You’ll be fine,” Gil said. “After all, abstinence makes the heart grow fonder.”

Greg groaned and flopped back down on the bed. “Real funny, Gil. I’m laughing on the inside.”

“I’m sure you are,” Gil replied, unflappable.

“I don’t need any more fondness. If I were any more fond, I’d overdose. You wouldn’t want me to do that, would you?”

Gil sighed and closed his suitcase. “I’ll call you. Would that help?”

“Only if we had phone sex.”

Gil gave him one of those startled looks that made Greg want to kiss his open mouth, and then a slow, dirty grin spread across his face. “I think that could be arranged.”

Greg sat up eagerly. “Really? What about abstinence and fondness?”

“Hmm,” Gil said, and leaned over him, kissing him with one hand wrapped around the back of his neck until Greg was breathless. “I think I’m much too fond of you already.”

“Good.” Greg sprawled on the bed, hands laced behind his head, and waved Gil off with one bare foot. “Now go on. You have a flight to catch and a phone call to make.”

Raising an eyebrow at his imperious tone, Gil rose and picked up his suitcase. “Impatient?”

“For you? Always.”

And Gil smiled. Fondly.



Cross posted at gil_loves_greg and grisslash.

csi, fic

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