A time of Much Yumminess!

Aug 16, 2006 09:25

Last night I dreamt of David Tennant. Mmmmm. Not as juicy as dreams are expected to be, most of it involved chatting on a bus. Still, first dream in a long while :D (have taken advantage of work's imba connection to watch TWO DT interviews on youtube this morning *swoon*(i am not skiving- i always get in early :p))

Also- GOODBYE HEALTHY EATING! Starbucks here have just brought out MY FAVOURITEST DRINK EVER again: Mocha Coconut Frappuccinos, so, due to their rarity, i will be having one for breakfast for as long as I can afford!

This evening next week I will be flying back, only a week until I see ben :) and of course reading and associated crazyness!

On to the less yummy: Due to relocation to a rather hot and humid environment, I asked my mum to cut all my hair off :D however, with hair being ridiculously thick (and now out of control without the length), I now look like a mushroom-head, so if anyone has any thinning/controlling/NICEing products they can recommend please do so!

Anyway back to work and trying to get my CSS sprites to actually link to other things. Grrr.
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