Aug 31, 2009 09:01
things they don't tell you:
shaving your legs at 7 mos preggers is harder than just about anything. Not only are your ankles weaker than anything but you can't reach your ankles.
you would give your right swollen foot to be able to bend. That's it, you forgot how nice it is to bend at the waist when your current option is to bend right under the ribcage where your ribs dig into your diaphragm.
You will itch. Dry skin like you never thought possible...and I grew up in New England facing winters with the heat cranked for months. I now have handcream in my purse, my desk at work, the living room...everywhere
Other than that its going well. It's hot as hell and i think that I'm going to go swimming today to get some weight off my ankles. Man suggested I go over to the law school and use their pool...but being a big round preggers I don't think its in my best self esteem interest to be around a bunch of skinny perfect lawstudents. I think I'll just go to the beach.
things they don't tell you