Jan 03, 2007 23:06
The reason I've decided to come out of hiding and actually get a social life again (even if it's just online) is because I've come to the very concrete realization that I do not shape myself (and to some extent my life) - other people do.
People my generation may remember what was sometimes being said in our moral studies classes in high school:
"Don't be sheep! Learn to accept difference! Be different! Don't let others dictate your actions!"
I find that the problem is that teachers never really encouraged us to simply be ourselves. They've tried to broaden our horizons (which is an honorable goal), but unfortunately, that was never in the scope of who we were as individuals.
This past year, I've been trying to find my true self by isolating myself from most external sources of influence.
The result? By my own, I'm not much.
I am the result of my past, and my past was essentially shaped by other individuals and what they've taught me. People create opportunities and challenges. Without these two elements, I cannot grow. Without others, there is no hope, no future.
You can create a personal purpose to your life and theories of your own, but in the end they will only make meaning to you unless you share them with others. Keeping your genius to yourself holds no exciting prospect...
People who only endorse their own theories are called egomaniacs. They pretend to hold the power of omniscience when the only power they truly have is limited to their own perception of themselves, other people, objects and circumstances.
Some people may be OK with this despite the multiple illusions they may be creating for themselves - but I'm personally not comfortable with egomania, or its possible consequences.
My life is bland and tasteless without others around. Relationships bring their share of difficulties, but that's just one hot spice from the spice rack...