mhm mhm, yep yep, I see.....

Oct 15, 2006 09:40

I bought a better webcam and another 2week trial of WoW.
Second life is really irritating me lately, the lagg for one, and my sole purpose in life is taking a break from there so it's fun playing World of Warcraft with him. I'm a Human Warlock and am having fun getting to know all the quirks of the game. I definately need a desktop. My lappy is just getting bogged down trying to cope with too much. It's great to do my artwork, logo's, photo's and stuff like that, but for gaming... nu uh!!
So, Im going to search for a second hand desktop, or perhaps rent one and see how I like it...

Life has had its ups and downs lately, nothing being a millionaire wouldn't fix though...;p
My ex has left me with so many bills it's unbelievable,. What kind of a man does that?I'll tell you, an asshole does these kinds of things.

I cherish my loved ones, the deeper the love, the more I do for them. Love is meant to be a two way street. When 2 people are in love, anything seems possible, you share your ups and downs. To be in love also means to be your partners' best friend, someone to lean on, to share the good times and the bad, hold no grudges, cast no judgment, to reassure that things will get better, to not really look at any other person the way you look at the one you love, the list goes.... ;p


Been drinking a lot of water lately, which has led me to goto the toilet a lot! 'causality' action/reaction: For every action there is an equal reaction ;p
gotta love it! =^.^=

Well, there really isn't much more to say, only that I'm keeping up with my exercise, very limited: 3 sets of 25 stomach crunches, 3 sets of 25-30 pushups, as many leg squats as I can do until my legs burn, I also do pelvic floor muscle exercises ( vaginal wall ) and still messing about with my swords pretending I'm something outta crouching tiger hidden dragon...

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
Love is the law, love under will,
Every man & woman is a star....

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