Showrunner fail..... But the sun came out today and fandom still rocks....

Jul 13, 2011 18:26

Dear Glee;

Are you fucking kidding me???? Oh man, I feel awful for fans who are really invested in this show. Sorry show, but this is not a reality TV show. Revolving casts do not work thank you very fucking much.

Dear Hawaii Five 0;

Thanks for using the team aspect and bromance to sell the show; only to really turn this thing into a fucking soap. So glad NOT invested.

Off to focus on XMFC fic, the awesome NCIS LA icons by megan_moonlight  and the general awesomeness of NCIS LA on twitter. The cast and crew is so sweet.:)

no biscuits for you, fandom yay, showrunner fail, i can finally see the sun

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