Quiz from Mike Lori and Geoff

Nov 27, 2007 20:43

[A is for age of first kiss:] 12 for closed mouth peck.  15 for full real kiss... So I count 15.

[B is for booze of choice:] Smirnoff Twisted, margaritas, screwdrivers.  I rarely drink, but if I do, this is basically all I'll have.

[C is for career:] Currently data entry/office bitch at the United States Tax Court.  Want to go back to school and be an elementary school teacher.

[D is for your dad's name:] Steve Brad Sharfstein (Not given a middle name at birth.  Gave himself the middle name Brad in 6th grade.)

[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] Games and soda.

[F is for favorite song at the moment:] None at the moment really.  But I have that wyclef song stuck in my head "dolla dolla bill ya"

[G is for favorite game:] Anything with mario in it.  Except super smash.  Sorry, guys!  :(

[H is for hometown:] Newtown, PA

[I is for instruments you play:] \Used to ineptly play the piano and clarinet.  I broke my right arm when we started learning the finger positions for the right hand in clarinet.  So I fell behind and quit.

[J is for jam or jelly you like:] Grape.  It's a classic.

[K is for kids?] I can't imagine myself giving birth.  So probably adoption.

[L is for last kiss?] Well, technically a month ago.  But i consider it first NEW kiss, meaning first kiss with someone you've never kissed before.  So that would be a month and a half ago.

[M is for mom's name:] Jamie Elaine Sharfstein (formerly Gould.... formerly Goldberg)

[N is for name of your crush:] For fear of him coming on here and reading this, I decline to comment.

[O is for overnight hospital stays:] When I was born, and I used to go to the emergency room at night when I broke bones, but it wasn't technically overnight.

[P is for phobias:] Vomiting.  Everyone knows that.

[Q is for quotes you like:] "I still believe people are good at heart." - Anne Frank (I don't know if this is the exact wording, but she said something almost identical to this.)

[R is for relationship that lasted the longest]: 8 months, and it was also the least intense relationship I've been in.

[S is for sexual preference:] Both.

[T is for time you wake up:] 5:45 on weekdays, 1:00 on weekends.

[U is for underwear:] Flowery cotton bikini panties.

[V is for vegetable you love:] Artichokes

[W is for worst habit:] I'm very hedonistic, and therefore don't think about consequences

[X is for x-rays you've had:] A whooooole lot.

[Y is for yummy food you make:] Choco-chunk cookies from scratch with Katie.  Pigs in a blanket

[Z is for zodiac sign:] Scorpio.  Sexy and intense: yes.  Mysterious?: Hell No!
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