Jun 29, 2012 00:39
I have a kitten! Her name is Mina. She's about 8 weeks old, she's all black, and she's gangly as heck. She's bold. My mom's dog is... exuberant, and I was sure she'd spook the cat. She did, at first, of course, but it's been less than a week and Mina's already tearing around the house without a care in the world. I love watching her spaz attacks, especially when she starts pouncing at shadows and I don't need to do anything to keep her going. She got a bell yesterday (couldn't find a collar without one), so now I always know where she is. I kind of want to take it off, though. It's too big, so it gets in the way when she tries to eat, and it kind of kept me awake last night.
So she's been my entertainment. The job search goes very slowly. My mom has decided to support me financially while I'm searching, which is amazing. And a huge relief. I tried to sign up with a temp agency, but they didn't call me back. I've decided to stay in So. Cal. (it's so much more practical), which means I have more flexibility in my salary requirements. I had an interview last week, and I thought it went really well, but I haven't heard anything back. Grr!
I've been hearing a little from old coworkers, and it sounds like everything has been going to hell in a handbasket since I left. Two big personalities have left (including my boss), and I can't imagine how different it would feel to be there right now. I'm dying to hear the gossip/dirt, but really glad I'm not there for all of this.
And that's my boring world in a nutshell. Oh, that state paperwork I mentioned in my last post? Well, I got that mailed off on Monday. Guess it only took a month to get the paperwork needed from my grad school -- just another 2-3 months before I meet a key job qualification. Nice. Now I just need to learn Spanish.