~ OMG it is so hot, I think I might die. Today in my office between classes, I literally had to take off my shirt while at my desk. (No students were harmed in the making of this movie.)
~ In an unconnected note, while talking about children's television in class today, one student posited a slash pairing: Lambchop/Wishbone (said student means to post it to their LJ forthwith.) I... don't even know what to say to that, but I offer it for your delectation.
~ Last night my fucking DVR did not tape White Collar and I only realised it wasn't taping half way through. I am in the process of obtaining it through *ahem* other means at the moment, but OMG argh.
~ Warren Ellis is having a
who can draw the best thirteenth Doctor contest over on his website. Some awesome entries (scroll through comments.)
~ LJ is being a douchnozzle of the first water. Please do not crosspost comments from my journal to facebook. I have a professional face over there, and I do not want my colleagues and students to track back to this journal. Thanks! One of these days I'll have the spare time to effect my transfer to Dreamwidth. If anyone needs invites, I've got a bunch, so let me know!
~ I have signed up for
camelotsolstice! Yay Merlin. I am excited.
~ Watch the
wingnut idiots at Beckapalooza -- I have a Nightmare edition. Now watch them go insane over...
geese. Yeah. I really don't what to say here, except in the immortal words of StrangeAppar8us on Rumproast, I simply cannot wait till these fuckers discover entrails and pyromancy.