Gingerbread House Part 2 of ?

Dec 30, 2011 11:36

Prompt: A Grimm Brothers Fairytale AU.  For Writtensword and X-mas Cracker Fic-a-thon
Author:  Kali_Blue
Title:  Gingerbread House  part 2
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Rating:  M  (Part 1 is G)

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Lauren Weisberger and Grimm Brothers

Andy and Nate get lost in a deep, magical forest. They find a house made from gingerbread and due to their hunger they start nibbling. Miranda is the owner of the house and she throws smelly Nate into a cage in the backyard. Andy gets to go inside, you know, to help out around the house and be a smartass. Bonus points for smut and Nate freezing off non-vital body parts while Andy is busy "assisting" Miranda.

Gingerbread House Part 1

Andy quickly kneeled and held out the silver candy balls and royal icing remaining in her hand.  “My lady, I apologize profusely. We were lost and hungry.”

Looking down the at the young woman’s ample décolleté; “you don’t appear to be starving. I don’t care much for thieves… or liars.”

Holding out the remains of a gingerbread shingle, “Can I get the recipe for this?”

Swiftly standing to kick Nate in the shin, “Shhh, you idiot.”  The blood rushed to Andy’s head and quickly back down again.  My goodness that diaphanous gown is fabulous. Crikey I think I can see her nipples.  It is cold, but she’s still looking at my chest.  Hmm…

Noticing the lustful looks exchanged between the silver-haired lady and his childhood friend while still feeling his bruised shin, Nate attempts to be witty rather than witless. “The person whose balls you take is the person you are in a relationship with. I hope you two are very happy together.”

Did he say taste or take? I’d love to taste… The wind blew causing them to refocus.

“What is that vile stench?  It seems to be detracting from the spicy aroma wafting off of my home.”

“I fell out of a tree into a pile of rotting animal carcasses.”

“No. No. That’s not it. It’s more vile and unpleasant.”

“We have been walking an awfully long time, since our last bath. If it pleases you, we can bathe?”

“Fine. Take off that hideous outfit and come inside. Yes, everything.   Move at a glacial pace you know how that thrills me.

Not you.”  Grasping an ear she propels him forward into a cage behind her home and locks the door. Next she grabs a bucket from her well and tosses the near freezing remains at him through the bars. “It must be a filthy boy smell. Wash.”

Nate shivered and huddled cold and wet in the driest corner of the cage. He munched on the soggy gingerbread thinking deep thoughts, pudding or cake?

The lady was glorious and powerful. Silver locks, brilliant blue eyes that looked right through her. Andy stood naked just inside the cottage excited and yet afraid to move without permission.  Her nipples pebbled and she began to feel wetness coating her thighs

The door opened and Andy again went to her knees.

“Naughty, foolish girl... How shall you repay me?”

Kneeling, Andy began to wonder how the lady might use her. Being sent away or locked in the cage with Nate was too horrible to contemplate.

“Stand up. Must you dirty my floor with your sticky fingers, too?  Are you a simpleton, can you not follow instructions? Bathe.”

“I wasn’t sure where to wash…”

“Bore someone else with your excuses.”

End Part 2

genre: crack, user: kali_blue, pairing: andy/miranda

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