Jun 01, 2009 08:15

Hey, guys (using the gender-neutral semiotic signifier version of "guys" here)?

Thank you so much for all of your replies and words yesterday. It meant a great deal to me to hear from so many of you. I <3 everyone that showed up to comment (yes, even those who disagree with me). Also, shadowlongknife and kita0610 had an old school "YOU KIDS, OFF MY LAWN" thread that had me in hysterics for a good hour. Then neo_prodigy spammed me with hotness, and my brain shut down.


Do you ever start watching those National Geographic Fight Science clips on YouTube and National Geographic's website and then surface four hours later realizing that you've lost a sixth of your day watching people trash shit with meteor hammers and ninjutsu nerve crushing?

Yeah. That's what I did yesterday in lieu of actually being productive and getting laundry and housecleaning done.



Only the Chinese are awesome enough to create an entire martial art based on acting completely shitfaced drunk. (On a tertiary note, only the Chinese are awesome enough to create a weapon that's occasionally called a "dark judge brush.")

Alex Huynh doing drunken style boxing/kung fu. LOOK at how strong his core muscles are:

image Click to view

Every time I watch someone do drunken style? My jaw plummets to the nearest horizontal surface. (water_of_fire, THIS is how I want my abs to be. Challenge has been issued.)

You know what else is awesome about that clip? That's a tantalizing glimpse of GLEN LEVY -- aka ninjutsu bad-ass motherfucker -- sparring with Alex Huynh at the beginning of that clip. See, I've always lusted to see a serious match between a ninjutsu master and a drunken-style master. I...I can't decided who would win. outlawpoet noted in my post on Saturday that one of the reasons that capoeiristas are so terrifying is that their style is so unpredictable. I'd say the same about people who master drunken-style boxing.

Speaking of Glen Levy, here's HIS ninjutsu clip on Fight Science. Any clip titled Why not to pick a fight with a ninja and that starts with "I want you to come with me on a journey to your own destruction" is going to be damn-the-torpedoes mind-blowing AWESOME. (I can't find any clip of this that allows me to embed.) See, this is why I was attracted to ninjutsu - it's not the flashiest, it's not the quickest, but it teaches you to execute severe trauma on the human body every easily, and as the clip notes, ninjutsu makes you learn human anatomy in a way that no other art does, particularly when it comes to nerve strikes.

Also? This clip empirically tests and proves -- using test dummies, a pressure sensor, and a rotary potentiometer -- that the dim mok (the so-called "death punch") can kill someone by stopping their heart. (Someone please find me an embeddable version of this clip!)

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that ninjutsu/ninpo is probably the best martial art that a woman can learn if you want to learn to quickly disable someone once you're down on the floor in the sprawl.

Bonus!clip: Alex Huynh proves while doing wushu that he can punch faster than a snake:

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'Kay, I have more from the random YouTube archives.

I have no idea what D are doing here in this comment, but at 3:16 in, it gets hysterically funny:

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Dorks. (kikuko_kamimura, maybe you can enlighten us? Because it's hilarious enough without knowing much Japanese, but WHAT are they doing?)

Why aren't there more high quality clips of Guitar Wolf on YouTube? But I do love this one of them live in Stuttgart doing "Sex Napoleon".


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Last but not least, prepare to asplode from cute. Here's Sharky the pit bull playing with more baby chicks:

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When he's sitting there with all of them nesting on his back, I almost expire from laughter. Awwwww!

Not quite done! cericonversion introduced me to the literal video feed from dascottjr on YouTube. I...am obviously fraught and fulsome with fail because I did not know about this. A+++++, would LOL again.

Finally, no Monday is complete without...

Elsa Bloodstone committing murder by guitar:

Murder by guitar, one, two, three, death by noise, murder by guitar, n-n-n-now you're dead...whoa. Having a flashback to finding old vinyl releases from Crime. Never mind! As you were, flist. As you were.

cute overload, nextwave, music, dogs, hilarity, murder by guitar, you ain't no picasso, i love my flist, high lords of hawt, awesome, you tube, so awesome awesome broke

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