Saturday Grab Bag of Awesome, Just Because

May 30, 2009 12:01

After yesterday's negativity, screw it. Have a preemptive Saturday Grab Bag Post instead of a Sunday Grab Bag Post.

Firstly, oh sagacious flist, I have a question. I'm working with Firefox 3.0 with NoScript added on. Lately NoScript is acting like an overprotective shotgun-wielding father whenever I try to comment on LJ; I get the "NOSCRIPT HAS INTERCEPTED AN ATTEMPT BY YOU TO HAVE UNPROTECTED INTERCOURSE WITH LJ! FORBIDDEN! IT IS FORBIDDEN!" message and the only way I can get my comments to actually post is to use the "unsafe reload" option (which, honestly, is such a hilariously loaded term - I feel like I'm telling NoScript to de-condom LJ for me).

So, anyone have any idea what's going on?

Secondly: my physical therapist has, as part of my Program of EXTREEEEME Ankle Rehab™, decided that twice a day I am to balance on one foot for FIVE UNINTERRUPTED MINUTES. Five minutes of one-foot balancing, I must further explicate, with certain muscles engaged (and yes, Kegel clenchitude is one set that somehow relate to my ankle in his truly eclectic physical therapy weltanschauung - seriously, my physical therapist is like one of those 16th century alchemists who decides that somehow, by mixing paprika, scotch tape, a golf ball and a wilted freesia bloom in a certain order, he can produce a strong golden ankle from what was once painful and weak lead). Who knew that pelvic floor health was crucial to ankle strength? Not only do I have to balance on one foot with Certain Muscles clenched in my lower leg, quads, hips, and pelvis, I have to perform certain digital manipulations while so doing.

This means that basically I go all Shang-Chi and Iron Fist. I stand on one foot and do bad-ass kung fu poses until I am drenched in sweat. (GODDAMMIT, I CAN FEEL HOT DR. BALE SMIRKING AT ME FROM AFAR. When I tell him this, I'll never hear the end of it.)

I'm pretty sure that after a few months of this, I'll be able to quit my job, drop out, and be able to wipe out all street crime in the Greater Bay Area within a seventy-two hour period. When I finally master the Palm of Forty Sorrows and the Good Fortune Thunder Kick, I'll let you all know.

Also, I'll be having much better orgasms.

Time for some random awesome.

Since I mentioned the arts martial, I gotta cop to something. In my misguided youth, when I was prone to wanting to learn Jeet Kune Do, savate, krav maga, and ninjutsu/ninpo and just ignore everything else, I used to dismiss Capoeira. "Sure," I used to think, "it's pretty to look at and all kinds of flashy, but what can you actually do if you get into the sprawl? Where are the hand strikes? Where's the eye gouging, jaw breaking, and organ shredding? Where's the lethality and pain bringing?"

This former anti-capoeira bias, I should note, also comes from me being extremely clumsy and always hating dance class with the burninating fiery passion of ten thousand very angry about-to-go-supernova suns.

Fortunately, this being the Bay Area, there were plenty of capoeiristas to set my ass straight.

I say this because I was trying to organize my older YouTube favorites and I found the infamous clip of the Lateef Crowder vs. Tony Jaa fight from Prachya Pinkaew's Tom-Yum-Goong.

Muay Thai vs. Capoeira - EPIC CAPOEIRA PWNAGE, PARTICULLARLY AT 1:44 to 1:47:

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I LOVE how Lateef even goes into some mocking ginga in the middle of this sequence. PERFECTION. This film gets better with every single viewing. I'm pretty sure that there's an alternate universe where Lateef was the hero of this film and took Tony Jaa down.

Next up, via water_of_fire:

Zachary Quinto milk!bukkake:

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Ow. My sides. (Also, kind of hot.)

Next up, from the Department of Hot Ships That Should Have Set Sail But Were Inexplicably Cockblocked From So Doing: Hey, remember when Warren Ellis took over the Thunderbolts book back in 2007 and how AWESOME the first ten or so issues were? Remember how the first four issues dealt with the buildup to the epic confrontation in the streets of downtown Phoenix (I realize that it's a little absurd to actually type out the words "epic confrontation in the streets of downtown Phoenix") between the Fascist!Asshole!Thunderbolts on one side and Jillian Woods, American Eagle, and Steel Spider on the other? And how Jillian and American Eagle had never met, but then she happened to wander by when Shit Was About to Go Down For Serious and jumped in to help the hot American Eagle out?

And then the two of them took time out to flirt in the middle of a melee?

Remember that from Thunderbolts #115?

From later in the issue:

(Uh huh, "Portable night-thing" BOM CHICKA BOW WOW. You just KNOW that a few days later Jason smacked himself in the forehead for a totally unintended double entendre.)

Their asses are about to get MUTILATED by the Thunderbolts, and she's all "Hey, baby, what up?" and then later he's all "No, go to your job interview, I'll take care of things, hurry up, you'll be late!" Conclusion: HOT.

This breaks my heart. You know why? Warren Ellis should have thrown us a panel or two of Jillian Woods and Jason Strongbow having bed-breaking sex a few issues later. Just, as, you know, a random aside so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life in an eternal search for shipping closure. Curse you, Ellis. Cuuuuurse you! The fact that I'd like to be in the middle of a Jason and Jillian sandwich does not factor into my desire for fic at all, okay?

Is there fic of this pairing? If not, WHY NOT, because I call scorching chemistry, okay?

Shameful Admission #29573974294793743: I cannot stop listening to the Chew Fu remix of Boom Boom Pow, and I LOVE this video so damn much:

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THIS is what I'm doing my One-Legged Drunken Wasp stance to, okay? THERE, I SAID IT.

Speaking of clips that I still have lurking in my YouTube collection, god, I haven't listened to this in years, but it remains full-out awesome:

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When will there be a World Air Drum championship? The Finns blessed the world with the World Air Guitar Championships (unf, Suomi, you so sexxay) and they even allow air roadies and air guitar techs, but where are the air drummers?

Finally, the divinely Sienckiewicz-ish cover to Detective Comics #855 as done by J.H. Williams:

...Lesbian!Batwoman hair angst! Damn you, Rucka and Williams, I'm going to have to buy this book.

By the way, people: given yesterday's debacle of racefail over on noscans_daily, the mods have opened up the topic for discussion. Unfortunately, the mod party line is a little too reminiscent of Shetterly, Nielsen Hayden, and Bear antics from a few months ago - read the post and the comments, and you'll see why, particularly this epic fail from parsimonia. I get that the mods are requesting input and suggestions, that's entirely commendable and great, but all I see is the same old, same old, wash, rinse, behead, repeat.

The reason why I object to the mods freaking out over someone saying "you're a racist" and insisting that we can only use certain ways to frame a discussion about racism, sexism, or privilege is that in effect short circuits the discussion from the very beginning by asking us to adopt a stance of rhetorical falsehood. It sets up a false dichotomy and places the burden on the people who want to stop derailing and point out racism to carefully choose words that will protect the feelings of people who exhibit privilege and racism. It further places an expectation on us that we have to be dishonest from the very outset of such a discussion.

When I start to get PMs and e-mails from tons of people (not to mention seeing comments all over LJ) -- people of all colors and inclinations -- stating that they no longer feel safe participating in noscans_daily and Scans_Daily 2.0 because of what went down yesterday, the mods of both comms have a serious problem. Here's hoping they figure out a way to start to fix it.

greg rucka, music, epic pwnage, racial politics, incipient sexual tension, sepulcre, hawt, artgasm, comics, covers, dc, shameful admissions of lust, american eagle, insanely hot chemistry, epic fail, this is fucking awesome, racism in fandom, warren ellis, rl, racism, thunderbolts, questions for the flist, i want this now, martial arts, i ship them hard, scans daily, dc comics, hawtness, technology, you tube

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