Good morning, flist. I would like to
point your attention to this. It's the most, ah, interesting steampunk accessory yet, and it's NSFW. Yeah. Okay!
Why are you not reading Atomic Robo?
Since I introduced you to
Captain Raptor yesterday, maybe we should just have a dinosaur week, yeah? Because the so-awesome-that-awesome-broke
atomic_robo linked me to one of the Atomic Robo stories from their Free Comic Book Day issue, and my brain EXPLODED, because this story's plot could be described as "a robot built by Tesla fights a dinosaur carrying a spatula."
My friends, my comrades, my fellow travelers:
That is a dinosaur carrying a rocket launcher.
If that's not enough to make your day, ladies and gents and those that spurn arbitrary gender designations, well, I don't know what else I can do.
atomic_robo has kindly given me permission to post a few more pages from this story.
A few pages later:
Standard disclaimer: these images were posted with the permission of the creator(s) of Atomic Robo. They will immediately be removed at the request of the copyright holder blah blah blah don't sue me blah blah blah I'm trying to increase your sales of Atomic Robo!
I believe that Dr. Dinosaur is spelled P-W-N-A-G-E.
You can read the entire story (and other Atomic Robo stuff) for free right here. People, you need to be buying this comic.
Atomic Robo is written by Brian Clevinger and illustrated by Scott Wegener. I would now like to publicly propose marriage to both of them. Well played, gentlemen. Well played. You owe me $5.00 for the loss of Dior mascara that I suffered while reading. (You can try to find issues and trades of Atomic Robo
here, but it looks like they're sold out of the first trade. DAMMIT.)
So I know that some of you are scratching your heads and saying, "WHY is
kali921 flipping out so much about Blackest Night? SHUT UP ALREADY and stop posting about it."
You think I'm a Green Lantern geek?
Look what Geers over on Deviant Art did:
Edit: Mace Windu image no longer works. You'll have to go to the artist's DA page to see it.
Another standard disclaimer: I think Geers is selling prints of these. Head on over to his DA account if you're interested, and of course these images will be removed immediately at the request of the copyright holder.
Naturally there has been some heated debate over what color Lantern ring characters in Star Wars would wear, and it's marvelous.
more here. (I can never figure out how to actually find stuff on an artist's deviantArt page, so you try.)