Don't make me get out my bottle of Maneschewitz

Apr 21, 2009 07:54

Via a ton of other people on LJ and various news sources:

Yes, United Nations, having a Holocaust denier be given an opening speech at a *United Nations conference on racism* is a good idea.

Don't make me get out a bottle of Manischewitz and start swinging, you crazy pseudomaniacs.

It's when I read stuff like this that I start to doubt cladogenesis. Can the crazy racists please speciate already and leave the planet before they irrevocably foul the air even more?

Here's the video of delegates walking out during Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech:

image Click to view

It's got nothing to do with how you feel about Israel and her policies towards her neighbors. It's got everything to do with the fact that the UN thought it would be a good idea to give Ahmadinejad a prominent position during this conference on HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY.

I almost feel sorry for Obama at this point. He's made overtures to try to normalize relations with Iran, but this bullshit from Ahmadinejad may seriously hinder that.

wtf, anti-semitism, racism

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