Architect extensible vortals!

Apr 10, 2009 13:03

The attorney that I met with yesterday told me that a jury would love me because I'm "sweet as Shirley Temple." He was partially referencing my hair, but I was so taken aback that he started laughing. I suppose an attorney assuring you that you'll do well in court is a bonus, right?

Anyway, that caused mercuryeric to gift me with a Shirley Temple ear worm on Twitter, and I sniped back with the ear wormiest song that I've ever encountered:

Farewell and Adieu, Spanish Ladies:

image Click to view

But even better, here's Bad Company's trippy, gorgeous, and haunting electro version, which is AWESOME beyond belief:

image Click to view

It's more of an...homage rather than an actual version of "Spanish Ladies," but it keeps the melody.

Oh, childfree, you still do not disappoint. _chrome_ posts a link to this incredibly sexist article in The Daily Mail by Helen Kirwan-Taylor. From the article:

"The other week, an old friend arrived at our house for dinner.

She is a feisty Oxford graduate who was once beautiful, but she was wearing a skirt that was way too tight - because she had filled out - and she hadn't bothered to redo her highlights.

My heart sank when I saw her because I realised that here was yet another clever, pretty woman who had chosen to sacrifice herself and her marriage to motherhood.

Why is it that when so many women become mothers they turn into boring frumps with one-track conversational minds that rarely stray from the oh- so fascinating subjects of nurseries, nappies and (lactating) nipples.

These women infuriate me. They think they are doing what's best for their children when, really, they are committing the worst form of self-neglect, and insulting their marriage into the bargain."

Because, of course, a woman's worth should be primarily associated and conflated with her appearance, and gaining some weight and failure to rigorously maintain your low- or highlights makes you frumpy, uninteresting, risks sabotaging your marriage, and proves you unworthy to be a British citizen.

Remarkably, some childfree members object to the article, but predictably more of them don't, and there is mighty mega-stupid in the comments. Be warned.

I watched the premiere episode of The Unusuals on Wednesday night. I had medium to high expectations for this show because I like Harold Perrineau and the premise seemed like it might be an updated version of Barney Miller (a show that my mom used to LOVE; she turned me onto it by watching reruns).

I'm not going to put this under a cut because the show was so bad on so many levels that I don't see the point.

What a disappointment. Any show that starts with the Happy Hooker trope (this is not to say that all women who work in the sex industry are automatically exploited and miserable, but these sex workers on the mean streets of Manhattan were just blithely joyous and carefree), moves on to Poor Little Rich Girl With a Distant Father, and then proceeds to trivialize animal abuse (wtf, dismissing a man that killed cats by saying that the guy's wife was killed by poisoned cat food?) has just earned my enmity. Have I mentioned that the cops we're supposed to like and identify with punish the cat killer by sticking him in a police car full of cats, spraying him with something, and urging them to attack him? (I don't even want to know about it when someone in real life decides to emulate that stunt.)

Amber Tamblyn is an expressive actress, but she wasn't given much to do other than angst about the fact that she comes from a filthy rich and dysfunctional family and dropped out of Harvard to join the NYPD.

Then we had the pilot of Southland air last night.

I'm going to say this right now: it was the biggest piece of openly racist shit that I've seen on American network television in the last two years.

Check out the bingo card for last night's episode:

1. All of the perpetrators of violent crime in the episode were people of color, including the murderer of a young white girl.
2. All but one of the LAPD cops treated as major characters were white.
3. The white cops were openly contemptuous and dismissive of the public that they're supposed to be protecting. It went beyond withering cynicism to outright contempt.
4. The two people being the most obstructionist to the cops were African American women.
5. All of the Hispanic people were murderous cop-killing gang members. Bonus points for having them all be heavily tattooed, and they even drove an old Impala!

Even more extra bonuses awarded for depicting the ghetto as being full of constantly barking dogs vs. AND having anyone who lives in a low income neighborhood own vicious pit bulls who need to be euthanized immediately because they've "tasted human flesh."

They even had an Indeterminate Brown Guy - you know, the heavily mustachioed Brown Guy that could come from anywhere from Pakistan to Greece to Armenia - who was a slumlord.

It went on and on, but at about thirty minutes in, I stopped cataloging all the idiocy and just watched in mute horror. Ugh.

Palate cleanser time!

So, I squeed a few months ago about the Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers mini, a miniseries that I'm already in love with despite the fact that won't even be on the stands until mid-May.

Look at the cover for issue #2:


Karl Kerschl is outdoing himself with the expressiveness of cover art. Look at Lockjaw - BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! For those that are wondering what the hell is going on, that's Lockjaw of the Inhumans, Frog Thor, Falcon's telepathic falcon Redwing, Speedball's cat Hairball, Lockheed the purple space!dragon, and DEVIL DINOSAUR. I so cannot wait for this, for it promises to render crack unto the masses.

Marvel, in a surprising burst of humor, has a contest going where you can Photoshop your own pets into Avengers. There's a Flickr group where the entries are posted.

This one made me LOL to the point of near asphyxiation:

Someone's puppy!MODOK. With bonus Kirby Krackle!

Finally, quite randomly, I meant to post these photos from the G-20 summit last week:


Obama has fanboys. Look at Silvio Berlusconi - dear GOD, he's beside himself. And Medvedev looks...indescribable, really. Like he's thinking that he should be more circumspect because of That Recent Unpleasantness betwixt Georgia, Russia, and the U.S., but he's so thrilled at the thought of a kegger that prospect of beer with Obama > crumpling of international accord between superpowers. There's also Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz looking here like he's plotting evil most foul.

(True to form, in looking at the photos showing all the assembled leaders together, Dutch PM Jan Peter Balkenende was the tallest of them all.)

You know, if nothing else, the Obama presidency is going to provide us with this kind of hilarity almost every single day. We'll all have ABS OF STEEL by the time November 2012 rolls around.

cute overload, tv, racism, race and popular culture, solicitorama, politics, hilarity, marvel, covers, lockjaw, stop it stop it now

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