Avarice, my friends, is a many splendored thing

Apr 08, 2009 12:02

I am exhausted today. I've spent the last forty-eight hours running around doing nothing but nice things for other people, and I'm completely tapped out, enervated, stressed, anxious, and just freakin' DONE.

I may need to do a flow chart to illustrate all of the below.

Some of you may recall that I had a flood in my apartment the first week of January when the walls in my bedroom started to leak water after the rains in December and January. It's been over three months and the landlord has not made one single repair to my unit. I got the City's housing code enforcement department to inspect my apartment in late January and they promptly documented five pages worth of code violations.

To date, despite verbal promises over the telephone from the landlord's management company, hereafter known as Willfully Negligent, Inc., no repairs have been made to my apartment. They have, however, sent me a letter telling me to remove my flower pots from my balcony because the building owner doesn't like them.

The neighbor in the apartment adjacent to mine -- hereafter known as Nice Neighbor #4, who resides in apartment #4 -- told me yesterday that as of a couple of weeks ago, he is experiencing electrical shocks when he takes a shower. Whenever he touches any piece of metal on his shower stall frame or door, he gets a jolt.

He called Willfully Negligent, Inc. late last week to report this hazard.

Guess what? They took over two days to send someone out to the building to look at the problem. No repair yet. Willfully Negligent, Inc. sent out their low rent Contractor Guy, who is utterly incompetent and is probably going to wind up causing someone injury or death due to his negligence, and Contractor Guy first tried to tell NN #4 that the shocks were "all in his head" and that he couldn't find anything wrong with the wiring in the building.

Concomitantly, Contractor Guy caused a HUGE freakin' flood into apartment #2 in my building this week, which is right under NN #4's apartment and my apartment. Last week Willfully Negligent, Inc. taped a letter to my door informing me that they needed access to my building on April 2nd because the tenant in apartment #2 was getting "severe" (their words) leaks from his ceiling whenever I showered.

Contractor Guy came to my apartment on April 2nd, and guess what he told me the cause of the leak was? He said that because I had old caulking in my shower, water was leaking between the tiles and somehow migrating into apartment #2's ceiling. The problem with that theory is the the amount of water that was supposedly leaking from my shower tiles did not match the MASSIVE volume of water spilling into apartment #2 downstairs.

So Contractor Guy puts a tiny bit of new caulking in my shower and assures me that this will fix the problem. I ask him if he wants to check with the tenant in apartment #2 to see if the ceiling is still leaking, and he says no, everything's fine. I ask him if I should refrain from showering just in case, and he says no, shower, knock yourself out, everything's fine.

On Monday morning, as I came downstairs to leave for work, the tenant in apartment #1, hereafter known as "Paul" because that happens to be his name, burst out of his apartment and asked me if I was hearing running water in apartment #2. We ran to apartment #2 and heard what sounded like a biblical goddamn flood inside; it sounded like someone had turned on a fire hose in the apartment, and water was spilling out under the front door. Sadly, the tenant wasn't at home, so we both called the Willfully Negligent, Inc. and reported the flood.

Apparently the drain pipe from my shower, which is right overhead apartment #2's ceiling, had a huge hole in it and flooded apartment #2's ceiling so badly that the ceiling collapsed on Monday morning. That explained all the water we heard rushing in the apartment. Contractor Guy arrived at noon (a full three hours after we reported the flood). I lost three hours of work time waiting for him. When Contractor Guy was tearing out the water damaged ceiling in apartment #2, he found exposed electrical wires and got shocked when he touched them.

Contractor Guy then stupidly (from the landlord's perspective, at least) went upstairs and told NN #4 that were were exposed wires in the building and that probably accounted for the fact that NN #4's getting electrocuted while he showered. Contractor Guy has not, as of today, repaired these wires.

The tenant in apartment #2 -- hereafter known as Nice Neighbor #2 -- has been totally displaced by the flood in his apartment. NN #4 is getting electrocuted when he tries to bathe. Upon hearing this from NN #4 last night, I called PG&E this morning and had them come inspect for electrical safety.

Sadly, PG&E's purview is only the exterior of the building. They did find problems, but they can't touch the interior of the building. The City's housing code enforcement department doesn't deal with electrical problems unless their inspectors get electrocuted while inspecting, apparently.

I've lost at least forty hours of work time due to all the phone calls, e-mails, and letters that I've had to write to Willfully Negligent, Inc. trying to get this all sorted out. I've lost sleep, been anxious, cried, and my manager at work and my co-workers have noticed how stressed out by all of this that I've been.

I'm calling the City's fire department next to see if they can help.

I've decided that I'm going to have to sue my landlord again because of all of this. At this point, Paul is probably on board for joining in, I suspect the tenant in apartment #2 is very pissed off and will also be happy to jointly file, and the tenant in apartment #4 is none too happy with the state of affairs in the building.

I had to sue the landlord once before to bring my apartment up to code. I got a settlement out of that. It looks like I'll have to do it all over again.

I've told Paul and Nice Neighbor #4 that I'll find us legal counsel, do all the footwork, and gather all of the necessary documentation. It'll be exhausting, but they're both students furiously working to get into graduate school, so they're kind of vague on how to do this kind of thing and don't have the time.

At this point, screw it. I'm so angry and frightened for my safety that I'll do all the footwork. I've got tons of documentation. At this point, every time I speak to Willfully Negligent, Inc. or the City, I document the call in writing very, very carefully, right down to the hour and minute that I started and ended each telephone call.

So...if I die in a fire (I gather that a few people on LJ would find a nice cosmic retribution in that if I did; these are the people who've vowed undying and eternal hatred of me because it's apparently my fault alone that scans_daily got shut down) or get electrocuted, it'll likely be Willfully Negligent's fault.

If anyone knows of any enthusiastically pro-tenant legal counsel in the Bay Area, please let me know.

So, to lift my spirits, let's pause for some rampant fan squee.

Green Lantern #39 is out today. This is the issue that FINALLY FREAKIN' UNVEILS the Orange Lanterns, aka the Avarice Lanterns, that are put in motion by the Controllers. There's there's a nine-page preview up here and HOLY CRAP, THIS IS IT. I think that with the exception of people that irrationally hate Hal Jordan, EVERYONE should be reading the Green Lantern and the Green Lantern Corps books right now, because the Blackest Night saga is truly shaping up to be a literary epic for the ages. Just jump in and start reading, people. Don't worry if you can't follow everything that's going on (because, again, this is fucking EPIC, and Geoff Johns is drawing on things from the Silver and Bronze Age; who knew that Black Hand would be such a major player in this?), because us Green Lantern fans are here to answer your questions and help you out.

After looking at that preview of GL #39 (there are a couple of pages out of order, so it may be a tad confusing), all I can say is EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I've been waiting for this for eight months. The Controllers! We knew months ago that they'd be the ones to harness the orange energy of the emotional spectrum (that being avarice) and either intentionally or accidentally spawn the Orange Lantern Corps, but when was the last time DC used the Controllers in a major way?

Imagine the Controllers trying to update their intergalactic curriculum vitae after the War of Light is over:

10,000 BC - 2008 ADE: Accidentally created evil Created Sun-Eaters Formed Darkstars Went to war agains the Guardians Went to Vega System Quest for energy sources fueling various aspects of the emotional spectrum.
2009: Found power source for orange. Accidentally spawned Orange Lantern Corps.
2010: Almost wiped out the universe as a result.
2011 - Infinity: Between jobs.
Infinity - Next Big Bang: Board of Directors for Darkstars v2.0.

Poor Controllers. Everything they touch goes horribly awry, doesn't it? Yet I admire them for pressing on.

For those who haven't been playing along, the seven Corps and the color spectrum that represents them in the DC universe, as established thus far in the build up to The Blackest Night, work like this:

Green is neutral (thus far). It is the color/energy of pure willpower and is obviously the color that has been borne by the Green Lanterns for the last billion years or so.

Yellow is fear. The Yellow Lanterns are chosen and recruited specifically based on their ability to inspire terror other life forms. They use their rings to focus and manipulate fear as a terribly destructive energy.

Red is rage. The Red Lanterns are chosen and recruited because they (obviously) choose to be consumed by rage. The Reds are interesting, because in the Red Lantern Corps, the red rage power requires a conscious subversion of all other emotions to something that is nigh uncontrollable. The Reds seem to be the only Corps thus far that embrace a pure state of anti-logic as a source of power. (Fear can be very logical; fear is often based on a logical anticipation of negative consequences.)

Violet is love. The violets are, of course, the Star Sapphires, who've been around for decades in real time continuity, and way back at the beginning of Geoff Johns' run on Green Lantern v4, they provided us with the first indication in the DC verse that we had that seven Corps were even possible.

Blue is hope. The Blue Lanterns are chosen for their ability to inspire hope and for their ability to uplift. They are, as you can imagine, very, very special and exalted people motivated entirely by altruism and the desire to do good. Undoubtedly Johns has them destined for a horrible fate, because people that pure and beneficient just don't seem to last long in the DC verse. Their entire careers as Blue Lanterns will be characterized by, as I've nattered on about before, showstopping just-in-the-nick-of-time entrances where they will help snatch victory from the slavering jaws of defeat, give everyone cookies and bottles of Gatorade, and go on to the next crisis.

Orange, as we've now seen, is avarice. It's unclear how their power will work.

Indigo is compassion. The Indigo Lanterns haven't been unveiled yet except in tantalizing teaser images and one or two panels showing groovy space druid chicks speaking in alien tongues. It's not clear, AFAIK, how they came into existence or who founded them. Right now they all still look to be those bald space druid chicks with their indigo lantern power being contained in their pwnage sticks (as thehefner put it, we sort of envision them as "EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS! DO YOU FEEL IT?!!"). Because, you know, if your indigo compassion energy ever runs out, you can always whack the compassion back into the Red and Yellow Lanterns, amirite?

So, GL #39.

Did I not say months ago that the Orange Lanterns would be like the seagulls in Finding Nemo? Meet Agent Orange, folks, who is apparently Orange Lantern Prime:

I told you all!!

And look at this page from the issue itself. HOSHIT--


So, now I have a question: based on the eight preview pages from GL #39 linked to above, am I misunderstanding something here, or are those Orange Lanterns actually reanimated corpses?

Aside from the usual cast of Hal Haters™, there's a truly excellent discussion on Scans Daily 2.0 about this issue and the War of Light and everything to do with In Blackest Night. (Can I just say again how much I hate the new tagging system on S_D 2.0? It's confusing, stupid, unwieldy, and I fear we'll be out of tag space soon.)

In particular, I love the very perceptive observations and ideas about the nature of the Oranges (are they going to be positive or negative? What is the true nature of avarice? Is it the mourning of the loss of something or the intense desire to be in contact with it? How do you wield it as a power?) and how it's not the color of the ring but the nature of the bearer that will be important in the War of Light; a lot of people are guessing that characters will be shifting across the spectrum ALL OVER the place once things kick into full swing (we just saw Hal go from Red back to Blue and Green within the space of one issue), and that itself is fascinating, because now you have to go back and read the last thirty issues of GL and GLC to be able to trace various characters' emotional progress through Rebirth, the Sinestro War, etc. and pay very close attention to even the most offhand of comments that characters make. See? That's the kind of continuity candy that I love; it's enjoyable watching a writer manage to skillfully pull together threads from four, three, and two years ago into one great narrative. And since Geoff has obviously been plotting and thinking about this story for years and years, those threads were put there quite deliberately, and it's good stuff. Very, very good stuff.

A few months ago, someone on the sadly-now-gone Scans_Daily 1.0 discussed the possibility that the scarred Guardian -- the one that was attacked by the Anti-Monitor at the height of The Sinestro Corps crossover - is actually already dead, having died as soon as the Anti-Monitor touched her (or something), thus making her the first Black Lantern. That sent a chill down my spine; I wonder if that theory is correct. Your thoughts, flist?

Almost as exciting: since the War of Light is spawning some totally awesome fan reactions and fan art, check out these Corps recruitment posters!


I love, love, LOVE the character design of Saint Walker. In the DC verse, he's really, really distinctive looking and stands out from the rest. I hope all of the Blues are like that, because they should be easily identifiable by all the other characters; you want every single Green Lantern to be able to easily pick out a Blue when they need a ring recharge or a pep talk, you know?


I'm betting that in the next year, we'll see a spate of people tattooed with the various symbols of the seven Corps. I'm already seeing LJ and IJ icons with the different symbols (the Blue Lantern symbol seems particularly popular). Aren't there already t-shirts? If so, WHERE can I get some?

As always, if any of you see anything in the blogsphere about the War of Light/In Blackest Night, be it blog ruminations, fan art, vids, icons, anything, please do link me.

And now back to our regularly scheduled cat macros:

...Kitty is right, you know.

rl, augh, macros, green lantern, holy shit, squeeage, cat macros, rampant idiocy

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