Absurdism reigns supreme in my hard drive

Jan 18, 2009 11:43

Has anyone ever had the problem of I-Hate-Keyloggers conflicting with Spy Sweeper and causing Spy Sweeper to give a false positive for a Trojan virus? I installed I-Hate-Keyloggers yesterday and during my daily Spy Sweeper scan, Spy Sweeper found what it calls a trojan in pagefile.sys. Advice? I've run Ad Aware and Ewido, and neither of them have found anything. ACK!

The lovely moralanqua showed me this:

Obviously a still from Wolverine:

...I feel the vapors coming on. Who is the woman on the right supposed to be? That's obviously not Emma Frost.

Well, since I just posted one does of MEGA HOTNESS, how about another? This needs to be posted at least once a year (lyssie, take note!):

Tom Jane in handcuffs:

That's from a photo spread in Los Angeles magazine from...three years ago, I believe. I am never, ever going to purge the images from that spread from my photo hosting service. EVER.

While we're at it, hi, Eddie Spears is beauteous:

Okay, my little morsels of tiramisu, it's BSG speculation time.

So the Cylons are the 13th tribe. I didn't see that coming despite many clever people on LJ predicting same. But after viewing Friday's BSG episode, I've been thinking almost obsessively about the Cylon apocalypse on Earth. Who do you think started it? Did humans attack Earth and destroy the Cylon society, or did one group of Cylons attack another, or is it going to be something else entirely, like the twelve Cylon models being based on Earth humans? Because the concept of Earth being populated by Cylons and building a society that looks and acts just like 21st century humans, with a technological level that parallels ours, doesn't work for me. Yes, yes, I get that Moore may be going for a turgid metaphor that we're all Cylons blah blah blah blah, but it just doesn't work within the framework of the mytharc of BSG. Because why would Cylons, if their society on Earth is a mirror of ours, be engaging in stupid things like driving around in vehicles that run on internal combustion?

Otherwise, my reactions are right in line with lyssie's. RON MOORE, STOP KILLING OFF YOUR FEMALE CHARACTERS. Stop eviscerating them emotionally and rendering them into helpless little balls of frailty.

Poor Dee. I loved Dualla.

Yeah, I'm pretty disenchanted.

As a lot of you probably already know, there's a huge conversation going on the blog-o-sphere-o-rama right now about cultural appropriation. I'm going to have to address that in a separate post, there's a preliminary link round up right here. There's a whole lot of clueless white people participating in the discussion that really don't get it.

I finally watched X-Files: I Want to Believe. (HEY, hulamoth!) What a sad, fragile, and bittersweet story. I suppose Chris Carter felt that it was the natural evolution of what Scully and Mulder's life would look like five or six years after the finale of Season 9 of the show, but talk about gut wrenchingly depressing. The only tiny drop of hope was Scully and Mulder in a tropical paradise at the very end, but that didn't show until well into the end credits, so it's almost like Carter didn't want us to see it. But the film did ultimately make my Mulder/Scully shipping heart happy despite the anathema of having them seemingly withdraw from everything that they held dear during the television series. So, since I needed a bracing palliative, I went back and watched the first X-Files film and felt better, and now I'm going to run through canon again starting with S1.

I will say this: Gillian Anderson gets more gorgeous with every passing year. She looks fantastically beautiful with longer hair; I think she's more stunning now than she was ten years ago. There's a refinement to her face that age is making abundantly evident:

From Esquire UK's September '08 issue (I think):

Maxim, April '08:

I love Gillian. She's so utterly without artifice in her real life persona. (At least it seems that way.)

Apropos of utterly unrelated tangents, I have this red vinyl Paul Frank handbag that has Captain Marvel's lightning bolt on it. I've had this bag for going on ten years, and every time I carry it, I get comments on it. So last evening I make a late night run to Whole Foods (nothing says "empty life" like going to Whole Foods at 9:45 PM to buy guacamole, tortillas, vegan cupcakes, broccoli, and roma tomatoes, getting in line, realizing that you've forgotten your money, racing back home to get it, racing back to the store, and barely managing to dart inside at 9:58 PM), and as I'm walking out the exit with my bags of groceries, a rather handsome member of that particular store's staff stopped me and said, "So, the Flash is your favorite?" and pointed to my bag. I explained that the lightning bolt has always looked to me more like the Marvel family's design, and then we proceeded to geek out for twenty minutes straight talking about DC, Justice League Unlimited, Final Crisis, Watchmen, Zack Snyder, the upcoming Avengers film, and the identity of the new Iron Patriot. When we were done, he called me "dear heart" and said he looked forward to our next fangirl/fanboy convo. Have I mentioned that this guy had a voice like James Mason? His voice was this rich, deep, and honeyed thing that I wanted to roll around in. I'm a sucker for a man with superb diction.

See? Geeky accessories can get hot guys to talk to you.

From the Department of Miscellaneous Awesome:

Australian guerilla knitters take to the streets and remake the urban landscape.

I'd given up hope that Spike Jonze's film of Where the Wild Things Are would ever see the light of day, but apparently the project is still viable based on this new merchandising campaign: meet Jonze's version of the monsters. On skateboards. ...Wow.

Next up: I don't know what the hell this is, but people in the desert, cloned dinosaurs, aliens, and giant spider robots?

I believe that I had more things I wanted to write about, but apparently the PTB decided to short circuit at least a third of my functioning synapses whilst I slumbered last night

wtf, wolverine, hawt, bsg, picspams of hawtness, film, awesome, picspams of hotness, tom jane, x-men, where the wild things are, racism, redheads, queries for the flist, spike jonze, hawtness

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