Happy Birthday, derigueur! And other stuff!

Jan 14, 2009 13:55

The thoroughly dashing derigueur, who shall henceforth be known as my Boyfriend/Consort-To-Be in Australia (if you guys can have Girlfriends in Canada, *I* can have a Boyfriend in Australia), has just had his day of nativitiy. This is a gladdening development, because it means that I get to squee about how glad I am that I met him on LJ.

I could go on and on about his panache, brilliance, sleekly sly (or slyly sleek...?) humor, warmth, generous and truly kind nature, and how he has a ridiculously enormously vastly humongous talent for writing - I usually itch to metaquote almost every single LJ entry that he posts - but sometimes, with a lesser mind like mine, the paltry mechanics of my limited language fail to contain the proper signifiers with which to accurately describe why someone should have their picture next to the sentence "CAN'T TOUCH THIS; THE NE PLUS ULTRA, BITCHES" in the Encyclopedia of Noteworthy & Kick-Ass People. Then there's the Chronicles of Trippage and the hilarious review of Jumper. (If you've ever noted that "funny" and "Hayden Christensen" are linguistic derivations eternally at war with one another and are things that cannot ever occupy the same mental space, that review will cognitively assault your theoretical foundations.)

I met derigueur because jemisard somehow convinced him to enter into a freeform RP of which I was/am a part, and I knew that he was special after I saw the very first comment that he ever posted in said environs. In fact, I silently fangirled him from afar for some days before I worked up the nerve to actually talk to him in chat, let alone try to write with him, and as if THAT weren't enough, he shares my eternal passion for a certain argent alien with a penchant for vibrating with compassion and empathy.

He may live half a world away, but by every deity in the multiverse, derigueur is far and away the #1 candidate to be my Internet Husband. I'm proud to know him and thrilled that he graciously accepts my presence.

But really, all you need to know is this: some months ago, I sent him a small parcel of negligible and miscellaneous items, and it was worth EVERY PENNY to send the package to Australia, because this is the LJ post that I got in response:

A while ago, for my birthday, I was promised a certain package. This package was of specific and favourable dimensions and its contents alluded to in some detail, or so I thought.

Then, long after my memory of such events had faded behind the to-ings and fro-ings of daily mundanity, a box appears.

'What lies within?' I mused for many seconds as I divested this object of its wrappings. And then, wonder of wonders, my mouth fell agape and the enormity of my new acquisition drove home like a sledgehammer to the forebrain.

The wonderful, divine, graceful, perfect, wise, generous and altogether stupendous kali921 had sent me Bubble Wrap!!!

Lovingly folded, it just kept coming out of the box like a wondrous stream of colourful kerchiefs flowing from the pocket of some international cardboard prestidigitator. I trembled with nervous excitement at the prospect of sitting down to a good two...three...four! days of solid bubble-popping succour!

Helping to hold these perfect petrochemical papyri of popping in shape were a few other objects, but no doubt they were filler included merely for their expendability & convenience to the packer at the time.

The sheets are all neatly arranged, and this morning I shall treat myself to one quarter of the first one. I shall hold it close to my face and breath the PCB-laden air as it escapes from its translucent convex prison, and think of Kali...

Honestly, if sending him stuff gets this kind of pyrotechnic display of poetic aptitude, I'm now wondering why I'm not sending him stuff every other week.

You should all friend him, for truly he represents the Gold Standard of the LJ populace.

So, Happy Birthday, derigueur!

Now, make good on your threat to blog like a mofo and match me post for post in 2009!

(He also has the best linkage. I sat mesmerized for a good hour watching the Big Dog robot footage. THE FEWCHAH IS HERE.)

I'm quite sure that most of you will have viewed this clip by now, but on the off chance that it hasn't gotten the inspection that it most assuredly deserves from your optic nerves, behold the story of a quick-thinking (and OBVIOUSLY cat-loving) German meteorologist and the preternaturally composed kitty that crashes his live television broadcast. In other words, this is what happens when a friendly cat invades the German news:

Side note: Holy Cumulus mediocris, Batman! German weather broadcasts are boring compared to their American counterparts, aren't they? We get widgets and animations and live footage and wild-eyed hyperbole and hand-wringing hysteria/proclamations of doom most dire and live satellite images of the entire North American continent and everything on up to and including firing of a massive guided laser array into the sky just to see what it does in the rain AND OMG TORNADOES, RUN, RUN, RUN!! FLY, YOU FOOLS! FLY! American television meteorologists consider themselves to be part and parcel of the entertainment industry and comport themselves thusly. Judging by this, the Germans get...some crappy low res animations that look like they were done in Photoshop.

However, we don't get avuncular weathermen cuddling kitties with aplomb on live American news broadcasts, so the Germans win.

In other news, writer Dan Slott's been doing a very good job of trolling scans_daily.

No, really. When the writer himself characterizes his comments as "trollish," well...who are we to disagree?

(I've got a whole separate entry brewing on Slott's weirdly degenerating writing and his sickening take on Tigra. Yes, Mr. Slott, when you say things like you want to punish a female character for having "casual sex," there's a problem.)

Gosh, but it's been a long time since I spammed you all with macros and adorable animals, so:

A panda tree! Reach, warriors of Apokolips! Reeeaach!

(I do so love the little panda at the bottom throwing up his paws in disgust. "HAD IT WITH YOUR BULLSHIT, MAN.")

Speaking of truculent quadropeds:

(Let the record note that I'm totally rooting for the polar bear in this scenario.)

Speaking of syndicalist felids:

Oh mah gawd, look at Mafiavictim!kitty's CRAZY EYES. *DEAD*

One more thing: from the always awesome REMAKE/REMODEL threads over on Warren Ellis' Whitechapel, here's Paul Sizer's remake of Black Angel:

Also, I have a very shiny and very brand new fridge. I want to buy lots of groceries tonight just so I can fill it up and watch it...refrigerate. Will it properly chill kale? Play-Doh? Soy milk? Chocolate truffles? Dandelion greens? Mulligatawny? WILL IT?!

wtf, oh junior no, robots, artgasm, macros, tigra, awesome, cat macros, cute overload, derigueur, trolls, warren ellis, birthday shout outs, no wun wants, dan slott, birthdays, sexism, holy crap

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