[Please excuse x-posting]
Chapter Nine of Things I Have But Could Have Done Without is live now at ff.net and at Simply Undeniable.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks
Warnings: Strong language, Sexual situations
My author page at SU is
here. If you get a 'no access' message when you try to link to the story, you need to go to the
Simply Undeniable main page and register for Restricted Section access. It's worth it, there are a lot of great stories at this site, many of which you will recognize. It's also at
Thanks again to everyone who's been so responsive and encouraging. It's still amazing to me that others share my dreamy!Remus fantasies.
PS - If you are so inclined, I just posted another Remus/Tonks story at Simply Undeniable called
Follow, which I wrote as a drabble for an LJ ficathon, but recently expanded to a longer oneshot. It's PG-13, and in no way related to Things I Have. My first attempt at Remus's POV. See what you think.