Your idol ah?

Jul 13, 2007 00:18

Cookies to my mum for recognizing my idol. Cakes to my mum for asking more about him such as his name and his popularity.

Mum: 婷啊!这个是你的偶像啊?
*Yep rushed into the room, and saw Seventh Heaven PV*

Mum: 他是那个30多岁的是吗?他叫什么名?
Yep: Hyde. H-y-d-e. 可是在日本他被叫成 Haido。

Mum: 哦~ 那个 "D" 变成 "-Do"…… "Stop" 在那里也变成 "Stop-pu"。那么他在日本红吗?
*Yep 暗爽-ing*
Yep: 满红的…… 在美国也是。

Mum: 哇~他真的很像女的。是不是同性恋?

$50 fine to my mum for thinking that he is a homosexual. =.=

Ok, I'm really hungry. Filling my stomach to only 3/4 full for my dinner is torturing me. Need Kong Guan Biscuits.

hyde, conversation

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