Oct 29, 2007 00:09
Hey Hey!
I just had my first visitors ever in Korea...It has taken me almost two years but I have finally gotten someone to make a trip over to Seoul, Korea and visit me!! (Yes they were already here in Korea, but they're down at the far end of the country from me.) Good times were had. Got to show some people around Seoul and I think I did an ok job of it. I only got us lost a few times :)
Here is why this was a big deal for me. A lot if not most of the foreign people I know over here, have had someone visit them...a parent, a friend, even an old teacher in one case. My mother has been "retired" for the past year and a half and has had copious amounts of free time. I bring up the idea of visiting her son whom she says she misses so much, and she flatly refused to come to Korea. I really don't know why. She offered once to meet me in Hong Kong or Japan, but not Korea. My schedule keeps me from making any trips like that, so it was out of the question.
Maybe I should refuse to visit her when I get back to Toronto in December... :p
I got to see a friend that I haven't seen in a while. He is a great guy, and we always get into great discussions..although they are all centered around theology and the philosophy of life in general, as he is studying theology to become a priest over here. It is weird, but I had almost forgotten how good a nice deep discussion can make you feel. I have great friends over here and I'd never trade them for anything, but they aren't the kind of people who like to talk about anything even semi intellectual. Thinking is fun :)