I can't believe I only have 8 more weeks here in Korea. Time is flying, which is a good thing, although I have a lot of stuff to do and people to see before I go. So what am I doing with one of my precious few Saturdays before I go? I'm fixing my computer. (read below if you care to)
Tonight I'm going to a guy's Bachelor party. The weird part is that I don't even know the guy very well. This isn't a weird thing in Korea though. Korea is a place to make fast foreign friends due to the 1 year time limit most people have over here. Usually when you make a new friend over here, either you or the friend have been in korea for a few months already. This makes most friendships last for 6-9 month before someone leaves. Every once and a while someone finds their soul mate in Korea and gets married over here.(like my friend Mark last year) Now weddings have to be planned way in advance, which usually results in all the person's good foreign friends having left by the time the wedding happens. Therefore inviting people your not great friends with for events like a bachelor parts isn't all that out of the ordinary over here. Now if you were to ask me what is a bachelor party like in Korea, well I can't really tell you; hell I've never been to one in Canada either. There are no stripper bars here or strippers for that matter. The closest thing you can do here is to go to a special "singing room"(karaoke room) and get a singing room girl to dance semi nude for you while you sing. Whatever happens tonight, it should be interesting.
On Wednesday my computer decided to make my life a little more annoying. A partition on my first HD (I have 2) has decided to not be readable by windows(says it is not formatted). When I boot up linux(knoppix) I can access the partition like normal and all my files are there safe and sound. I have not been able to get knoppix to allow me to move these files (yes changed the access controls and was in root), so backing up the important files on that partition is a problem. Oh and while trying to fix that problem I messed up a different partition and lost all that stuff too(ironically enough that was my backup partition). So now I'm stuck without a backup and I can't access my files in the primary partition. Fun stuff. I'm ditching windows and installing Ubuntu for the next 8 weeks. I'll miss my games, but I'll live.