Title: Imagine Them All in Their Underwear
kalakiryaFandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Zack/Cloud/Aeris/Sephiroth
Length: 10 minutes
Author's Summary: Zack wants Cloud's help, but passing notes in front of the whole of ShinRa while the president is giving a speech probably isn't the way to ask.
at AO3 on LJDownload Link
at sendspace amplificathon points: 5 (reader) + 2 (length) + 5 (fandom) + 10 (pairing (OT4!)) + 0 (language) = 22
Title: Typecasting
kalakiryaFandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: gen
Length: 12 minutes
Author's Summary: "The movie that we watched for this was Thor: Hammer of the Gods, on Scifi. I mean, Syfy. (Except that I’m a couple hours behind the other two and so I got most of the MSTing before watching it.)
artimusdin started it with her OMG EIR’S!CLOUD WOULD BE HORRIFIED AT THIS and my LOL HE TOTALLY WOULD, and
chofi got some input of her own."
on LJDownload Link
at sendspace amplificathon points: 5 (reader) + 2 (length) + 5 (fandom) + 10 (pairing:gen) + 0 (language) = 22
points total for this post: 44