Title: Complicated
kalakiryaFandom: Vorkosiverse
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ivan Vorpatril/Byerly Vorrutyer, Ivan Vorpatril/Donna Vorrutyer, Dono Vorrutyer/Olivia Koudelka
Length: 7 minutes
Author's Summary: You would think I would have been more loyal to my surprisingly naïve and sweetly handsome ex-boyfriend and less to my double-agent cousin, Byerly. But Byerly has always treated me like a brother, and is…dependable in his duplicity. I have so many ex-boyfriends, but only one family member who ever supported me.
at AO3Download Link
at sendspace amplificathon points: 5 (reader) + 1 (length) + 5 (fandom) + 5 (pairing:Ivan/Byerly) + 10 (pairing:Donna/Ivan) + 10 (pairing:Dono/Olivia) + 0 (language) = 36
podfic_bingo square: trans character
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bujold_fic HERE