If anyone ever asks you if you know someone who has regular shiatsu done, if you could not say it before, you can now. Many of you know that I have fibro and as part of my regime to control it, I have been getting routine massages. We started at twice weekly for months and worked it up to weekly. Well a few months ago, my therapist started taking shiatsu lessons from a Japenese master. They discussed it and he highly encouraged her to use it on me. We incorporated it into our weekly massages and I was able to start going up to 10 days between massages. I was sore by day 9 but I could tolerate it. A few weeks ago we did just shiatsu for the first time. As expected, it was painful. Even with the serveral previous weeks of work. It seems that parts of my body are more inflamed than the symmetric side. Anyway, I went in for my second session today and it was much better. We are hoping the shiatsu will get me out to 2 wks apart and possibly longer. Remission sounds so wonderful.
Also, I spent part of my day today reviewing restaurants that CForce and I have been going to for the past few months. You can find them all in the Cuisine forum of the board
http://www.forceweb.com/forums bon apetite!