Poll time! Length of Roleplay Logs

Dec 07, 2008 01:01

Below is an Epic Poll of Doom. It's about the length of journal, forum, or message board based roleplaying logs. I got to talking to a friend about how if logs seem rushed or not and got to wondering why, and the poll just sort of exploded from there. I'm crazy, I know, but I love thinking about this stuff. XD I would love to write a research paper on roleplay, but I'm not. ;) This is just for fun. There are 12 questions in all, and this post is unlocked so that whoever wants to vote can. If you want, send your friends over, even if I don't know them. :)

Two things: First, if you've never roleplayed, feel free to ignore this cause I'm not sure how you would answer. If you've roleplayed in the past but don't currently, feel free to answer based on how you felt when you did roleplay.

Second, I tried to get some questions in about IM-based roleplay, but it just didn't work with the format and would've been way too confusing, because I've found IM roleplay responses to be much differently formatted than journal/forum based ones. IM roleplay moves much faster and a lot differently due to the common character length restriction in many IM programs and chat rooms, as well as the demand to respond more immediately. Journal/forum/message board style roleplay allows for a longer, more narrative, story type style of roleplay response that's not so cut and dry and takes longer, so I focused on that with these questions. Ready? Go!

Edit: On the questions with checkbox answers, feel free to choose more than one, if you want. That's why I chose checkboxes for those instead of radio buttons.

Poll Length of Journal-Based Roleplay Logs

That's it! You're done! Feel free to comment and discuss, explain, or say more that you didn't get to in the poll. :)

poll, roleplay

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