I think this may mean farewell, LJ

Apr 21, 2012 14:55

I haven't been on LJ since I lost gladly let my paid account expire. Well, I've checked my f-list but haven't really posted anything, right?

Without the paid account perks, I realized that I can no longer view individual entry pages in a customized style. I'm stuck with the default style -- for both my own journal entries and everyone else's journal entries (if they don't have customized pages selected) -- on which, if you'll recall my previous two posts on the subject, the "post comment" button is grayed out and I can no longer post new comments to an entry or new comments to anyone else's comments. As always, nothing I enable/disable/upgrade can fix it.

Because pictures are everything, see what I mean here.

I did find yet another workaround after my paid account perks went...

I have had to upgrade to a Plus account just to comment on my own journal. Because otherwise, unless I'm replying to a comment via email, or unless someone else just happens to have custom entry pages enabled, I would have been no longer able comment on LJ at all. That is not okay with me.

I'm pretty sure this may mean goodbye, LiveJournal. :-\ I've been with you since 2003. You've been home for 8 1/2 years. But I shouldn't have to find 20 workarounds just to post comments. You've ignored my issue, you haven't fixed it after I submitted a ticket 4 months ago and you clearly don't care about your userbase. I've been considering leaving for a long time, and I hate crossposting (what's the point of posting here if I have such trouble posting comments anyway?), so if I do go, I go for good.

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