Mar 27, 2007 08:45
Guess who still exists?
Been playing WoW like it was crack. Got Xulu up to lv 70 a while back now and have been saving and working towards my epic flying mount / heroic mode dungeon keys (which I have two already) and have already been into Karazhan a few times.
So much to do still, plus I still got plenty of quests to do (for now anyways, I'm on my last zone. Oh noes!)
Anyways, the most INSANE LUCKY thing just happened to me.
Got a message from a 55 guild mate that needed help killing Araj, the 61 elite undead in Western Plaugelands surrounded by about a dozen undead, some of which were elites as well. I wasn't doing anything important at the time, just farting around trying to decide what to do next and being bored... so I'm all like "Suuuuure, why not?"
Get out there and he has a warrior with him... So its me, a holy priest, a shaman and a warrior. Warrior and Shaman are both pre-60.
Go in guns (well, wands for me) blazing and smite the hell out of the punk, got the quest done.
Then it dawns on me... the scarlet crusaders that drop that rare and still coveted enchanting pattern, Crusader, are juuuuust north of us. Shaman (and guild mate) is an enchanter too, and the two of them are so stoked to have a 70 hanging out with them they're thrilled with the idea of going up and farming those guys for the pattern.
None of us were ACTUALLY expecting it to drop... it only has a 0.2% drop rate from a VERY specific mob thats only in 1 spot... and theres only 9 of them and take about 5min to respawn each.
It dropped on the 3rd kill, and I won it.
We were FREAKING OUT. We'd never heard or read about that happening before, EVER.
So what do we do? Why, we keep killing and hope LeeLee Luck holds out again!
Less than 30min later, it drops again and the other enchanter wins it.
At this point we're practically in tears from joy, not only did Crusader drop on the 3rd kill on the first attempt, but it also dropped on the 3rd kill of our last attempt before we were going to wander off to do something else.
After a bit of celebration, the "Servers are going down for matinance in 15 min" message pops up. Tuesday downtime.
Warrior hearths since he Dinged a level and needed to train before servers went down, so its just me and the Shaman left and we both got Crusader.
We keep farming, I mean why freaking not at this point!? Besides, we had another guild mate that was lv 40 and at 295 enchanting already, might as well try and farm up another one for her just because we can and were there. We didn't expect lightening to strike 3 times in a row.
5 minutes till servers go down.... guess what drops AGAIN?
Thats right, Crusader dropped 3 times in less than an hour.
Theres a certain little blood elf thats going to have a surprise waiting for her when she logs on tomorrow and checks her mail. ;)
I was soooo tempted to post this story on, but I'm scared lynch mobs from Horde AND Alliance will come pouring out of the woodworks to string the two of us up and put our heads on pikes for being just too damned lucky for our own good. ^^;
Yea, thats about all I have to update about, and I only remembered to do so because WoW is down for Tuesday server matinance.
That and Alex's Tauren Shaman is lv 41 and I bought him his mount a few days ago. =)
Can you tell I've been sucked into WoW hard yet?