Gnostic Mass
Sunday, December 20, 2009
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Doors open 3:00 pm - 3:25 pm only
$5 donation requested
Winter Solstice Ritual follows Mass.
The Gnostic Mass (Liber XV) is a ritual celebrating the union of the divine male and female through the pageantry of the lance and the cup. The ceremony culminates in a sacrament of a cake and wine consumed by the participants in the congregation. The ritual is graceful, joyful and a high dramatic ritual rich in esoteric and ecclesiastical overtones.
The ritual officers consist of a priestess, priest, deacon and two "children" representing the positive and negative polarities. The Gnostic Mass is the central ritual of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O., or the Order of Oriental Templars) and was written in 1913 by Aleister Crowley.
Water is available for those who choose not to drink alcohol.
Please notify us in advance if bringing anyone under 18 to this ceremony (but they are certainly welcome).
Read through the ceremony in the link below.
William Blake Lodge Temple Location:
208 South Pulaski Street, Suite 5B (5th floor)
Baltimore, MD 21223
Directions to the William Blake Lodge Temple:
95N to Washington Blvd. exit
Turn left onto Washington Blvd.
Turn left onto Monroe
Turn left onto Eagle
Turn right onto Pulaski
Red Brick Building on left side (Cambridge Building)
William Blake Lodge on 5th floor, suite B
Park on street.
Read the ceremony:
Gnostic Mass video: