For your viewing pleasure...Comment if you dare?)
I hope everyone's 2008 is going well so far :D! I spent the last few hours of 2007 at home working on art. I had every plan to go down to Nathan Phillips Square and party there but it was snowing and my mother has this fear that something of apocalyptic proportions will happen while traveling back at 1 in the morning o_O(I really should ask her what!). So...does anyone have any special new year resolutions? Here's some of mine:
o1. Get more sleep-I'm such a night owl it's not even funny!
o2. Eat less junk food-Kind of hard not to as there's all these fast food places on campus , but I'll try XP!
o3. Stop getting so stressed over minor stuff-I have a strong , sneaking suspicion that once I start doing this , I'll be less stressed and anxiety filled :O!
o4. Swear more-now everyone would want to do the opposite , but I have to be different and I'm always so polite when I speak....so....IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY GODDAM SWARING YOU NEED TO GO JUMP IN A FUCKING LAKE , YOU DEGENERATE ASSWIPE ¬__¬ XD. Okay maybe you can disregard this one!
o5. Now this is an important one , after a lengthy heart to heart with mom , it was decided...NO MORE BEING NEGATIVE ABOUT MYSELF*hears the sound of people screaming "About time!!" ._.;;*. Miss Joanie(aka mom) says to keep reminding myself I'm here for a reason , I'm still here for a reason , I'm a child of God(and my parents) and there actually are people who care and not everyone is out to get me...man she better be right or I'm gonna be mad -_-!
o6. Watch season's 1&2 of Avatar the Last Airbender , or
revulo will kill me DX!
o7. Play more rpg's on my DS XD!
o8. Become more skilled in HTML and CSS coding*nerd powers activate!*.
o9. Stop downloading so many movies and go to the Cineplex near my place more often...hey I fight piracy alright :P!
1o. Spoil myself more-Leah likes receiving stuff too :P!
But there's another list , this time school related!
o1. As much as I'm discouraged by this program's high failure rate(98% of the class I started with will either fail or drop out O_______O;;) , I intend to finish this damn thing.
o2. Develop a better study plan D:!
o3. Stop bloody procrastinating -___-!
o4 Stop assuming I'm going to fail everything XD!
And of course , a new year's resolution list wouldn't be complete without my passion...art...
[As copied from my deviantart
o1. Make more artwork using traditional media , especially markers.
o2. Make a complete picture in photoshop , from the initial sketch to the finished cg image.
o3. Make better pencil sketchers and do that fancy pants cross hatching for shading!
o4. Finish all my artistic committments(with gift art and "commissions" on gaiaonline).
o5. Improve on my anatomical drawing skills in general D:!
o6. Draw more dudes...why can't guys have curves like women T_T?!?
o7. Now most of you should know about this one if you've been reading my entries. I really want to do commission art for real money. Not just for money , but to know that someone really wants my art and to make someone happy with what I draw :O!
o8. Build my own art website from scratch(with Notepad)or using Dreamweave/MS Publisher :3.
o9. Shorter cg time! Depending on how detailed , and the way I shade things , it can take me 10+ hours to finish something in photoshop...I really want to shave down that time.
1o. Write better entries on my deviantArt blog XD!
Perhaps these ideas are a little too big :O? I've been told I always think big :D! And in other news...did you know there's
...count em' 8 days till I turn 23! Better get shopping people :P...okay fine , you don't have to buy anything , but please , don't make me feel old D:...I wish I was turning 21 instead DX! It could be worse , I could be turning 50 XP!
give Kakumei-tenjou more *HUGS* Get hugs of your own