Political Rant - Hate Crimes

Oct 28, 2009 08:56

This morning, I heard about the new Hate Crimes legislation expansion...and frankly, it pissed me off all anew.

So, let me put this out there...and let the flaming commence!

I think Hate Crimes are very very bad.

And by that previous statement, I mean,  the legislation that adds time and additional persecution to the people who perpetrate them.

So hearing that additional groups had been added to legislation that I think is deeply flawed and dangerous to begin with made me cringe.

Put plainly, I think hate crimes amount to Government sponsored thought control. Our legal system HAS rules for punishments regarding the crimes one does. The prosecution, sentencing and parole/release system already take into account motivation.

All Hate crimes legislation does is say "if the person thinks "X" than our current system isnt good enough so we need to add to it"...which I strongly, vehemently, and vociforously disagree with.

To put it as plainly as I can....I dont think the government should be able to punish, persecute, reward, or even get into...the thoughts of its citizens.

I think racist assholes have the right to think as, and be racist assholes. If they break the law, the government has a right to persecute them for their actions. Those affected by that persons actions have a right to seek justice.

But creating legislation that says "because this person hates...than they need to have 10 extra years added..." isnt justice...its punative...and its IMO, a step in the direction of the government telling us what we can, and can not think.

OK...im glad that Gay and transgendered groups are getting recognized politically...and its long overdue for them to get added to the Hate Crimes legislation...my problem is not with who just got added...its with the legislation itself.

And I have had this rant before...so I apologize in advance for them that may have heard it before.


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