Prank League (Oneshot)

Feb 14, 2012 20:43

Title: Prank League (Oneshot)
Pairing: Hyoyoung
Rating: G
Genre: Crack/Fluff
Summary: When some of the girls gather and plan pranks, but one member doesn't show up, we'll see who sticks up for her. And what kind of award that leads to...

When nobody is home, the cravings for candy just immediately pop into your mind.

Though, it’s a good thing you don’t ever have to think about your weight. It already proved when you and Yuri were doing your drama, and she was the only one gaining weight. You would snicker, and grab another candy bar by the table next to the camera man during your small break. If Yuri had fallen down harder, you would have been able to snatch one for Hyoyeon too, for later when you get home.

It’s a fun Saturday for the pranksters since Sooyoung had become a member, holding a flashlight under the bed sheets, promising to occasionally lie to the unnies about the ‘gifts’ they steal from the fridge, shake the weird handshake Sunny made up- yeah, that was how it all began- and how Hyoyeon was now planning things with Sooyoung more often. Why Yoona was getting better with her ‘no, unnie it wasn’t me!’ scam to fool the unnies - because she now has more back up.

It was another fun Saturday that wasn’t so much fun. When Sooyoung appreciated Hyoyeon’s plan a bit too much to sneak into her room just to tell her that Tiffany was finally eating the gross sandwich in the kitchen that Yoona made with too much mayonnaise.

It was a success, and the girl was seeking a little laugh, but Hyoyeon thought Sooyoung had began to feel something for her.

Sooyoung was touching her lips when the door closed drastically and she was in the living room again. The sound making Jessica wake up from her sleep to flutter her eyes over to her roommate that looked completely in daze with her cheeks lightly red.

There was a meeting on Yoona’s bed, under the sheets with no Yuri in the room. Hyoyeon was not present, and Yoona, Sunny had waited over 30 minutes, making it completely overwhelming with heat from the flash lamp Sunny held. Everybody was practically wiping their forehead every minute.

“She’s out of this group!” Yoona bickered sighing dramatically.

“No no, I can go look for her.” Sooyoung shipped quietly. “But what if Yuri sees you?” Sunny butted in and continued. ”She’s gonna know you didn’t leave the house, and then our plan is messed up!”

Yoona threw the sheet off their heads, finding air, they all breathed in. Yoona crossed her arms “And all thanks to Hyoyeon!”

Sooyoung looked on bothered but tried again “Then just, let me call her.” She took out her phone from her pocket and stood up and turning around. She faced the door. There was a lot of repeating ‘peeps’ but she kept pressing the phone to her ear. Then Yoona fell with her back onto the bed and whined.

“She isn’t answering!”

Right then Sooyoung decided to shut Yoona up and started talking.

“Oh! Hyoyeon ah! Where are you? We are having our meeting now- ah, oh, okay I see. Let me tell the others” Sooyoung lowered her phone and but her other hand over it. She blinked a couple of times. “She can’t make it”

“Why didn’t she tell us before!? This plan is going straight down the drain!” Sunny jumped a little on the bed, making it bounce a couple of times. Yoona gave her a glare, then covered her face with an arm.

“Tell her the plan is off, Soo. Let’s just go have some breakfast” Yoona shipped in following with a sight. Sunny nodded with a pout and got up and stretched her arms up in the air. Sooyoung turned back with a nod also, and put the phone by her ear.

“The plan is off, Hyo. Okay, okay, yeah, see you later then! Bye~” She hung up and the two were standing behind her now.

“Guess Yuri is lucky today, that expression would have been on my new background picture.” Yoona walked by Sooyoung and went out of the room. Sunny followed, looking tired. She was really hoping to get something funny done today, now she just reasoned if she should go back to sleep or have breakfast.

It is a Saturday though.

Sooyoung decided to play it cool and went to her room to get some sleep. Jessica and Yuri were in her and Jessica’s room. That she knew, and it didn’t appear that the victim had left the room yet. They were going at it before she ‘left’ sneaking quietly and then came through Yoona’s window to have their secret meeting.

Which obviously failed when the pair noticed that Sooyoung was actually in the room to start with, guess it had been too dark to fully check.

A lot of confusion from both parties.

She hoped after her fake phone call to Hyoyeon, that she wouldn’t get in so much trouble after all. The girl wouldn’t just skip it without a proper reason. That was one of the rules in this prankster league. So now Sooyoung really wondered were Hyoyeon were spooking around. Which corner she would turn, door to open, couch to look at- to find the missing girl.

And she knew when she came to the girl’s room. That was the door she had to open. And… the bed was hard not to look at with Hyoyeon on it.

“I was waiting…” Hyoyeon stroke a hand over her stomach and gazed seducing at Sooyoung. She continued, but added a pout and twisted a finger in her dark blond long hair “…for the meeting to end without me.”

Sooyoung froze, and the door came to a close. But Sooyoung was not on the right side. Yuri drew her out of the room and slapped Sooyoung against the outside of the door. “Choi Sooyoung! You think you can fool me? I found this beside my bed just now! Explain yourself!”

Hyoyeon… on bed… half nake-

Sooyoung’s eyes were practically disappearing wanting to close and imagine the picture up again in her head. Yuri sighed, shaking Sooyoung once more before letting her go. “Yah! Are you acting stupid?”
“It was you wasn’t it!”As Yuri kept nagging Sooyoung came back to life for a short moment, much to her own will, and took a look at the plate of cucumbers that were familiar and was going to scare Jessica and make Yuri jump around trying to catch the escaping girl in the middle of-
“Ohh…uh.” Sooyoung thought of Yoona, Yoona and only Yoona. She must still have gone through with it.

Yuri was giving her a look now, seeming to be close to a scream. Maybe she really got to chase Jessica around like a mad woman…“It, uh…It was-“
Then a door next to them open in a flash, a figure leaning against the door with bare a loose shirt around her.
“It was not her!” Hyoyeon yelled. Yuri’s focused head snapped to the side, as well did Sooyoung’s. “She was with me the whole morning. And she just left to drink some water…so get right back here now.” The girl ended with crocking a finger to call for the girl as they held eyes.

Yuri frowned and whined as she let go of Sooyoung. She wanted it to be the tall girl so she could have finished it quickly and neat and still get back to the girl under her sheets…that was demanding Yuri to go revenge hunting.
Yuri huffed and walked away, across the living room and to the optional doors to find her pray… and get back to Jessica. Oh god she wanted to get back to Jessica who left her unfinished.

“Am I too forward?”
Sooyoung blinked a couple of times to the girl by the door.
“Then aren’t you gonna come over here? I would go out and get you but, you know, I only slipped on a shirt.” Hyoyeon smiled letting her hair fall off her should in an adorable way. Sooyoung grunted and her legs started working from feeling mushy seconds ago. A goofy smile was something hard to hide when it struck her. She walked towards her naked beauty.


pairing: hyoyoung, x: jessica, x: sunny, x: yoona, fanwork: fanfiction, x: hyoyeon, fandom: snsd, x: sooyoung, pairing: yulsic, x: yuri, rating: g

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