Feb 14, 2012 22:29
Title: So perfect it's hard to breathe (Oneshot)
Pairing: Hyoyoung
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Unsure Actions/Heartfluttering Fluff
Summary: Sooyoung only has her eyes and mind for Hyoyeon, and she wishes that when Hyoyeon finally grabs her hand that it means as much for her as it does for Sooyoung.
I just did something really bad. I hope you can forgive me and not think of me as such a person.
…but Sica really did have some nice pictures of you, oh god, I can’t deny it, okay! She’s a pervert that takes pictures of members and I’m… the one having a huge crush on you. I’m sorry, my own member. I can’t help myself.
When we met by the Inkigayo’s stairs, you were going up, I was going down - what were you doing down there anyways? Or, really, it didn’t matter. I think god put you there for us to collide into each other. As I passed you then, I smiled and you did too, tossing your hair around onto one shoulder, the old hair color is back, I can’t tell you how attractive you look but - holy cow.
You said I should hurry up in the bathroom and not be late for the performance. But I was too busy melting by your beauty, the slight pinkness on your cheeks was adorable. It felt like I traced your face for minutes, though it was all just a walking-by-a-person thing. When you averted your eyes and went up the stairs I felt tingly. I will be up soon too.
I was walking to the bathroom door but I remember it well, how she opened the door in front of you. Getting out, slightly pink too covered her cheeks.
Should I have given meeting Yuri another thought? No, that thought didn’t do nice to my mental thinking. Let’s forget that her breathing kept her from greeting you, ducking her head, she continued further away and after Hyoyeon, up the stairs, and probably into the member’s room.
Should I have given it another thought?
Nah, it can’t be three out of nine. It’s just two, it has to be more than me. I’ll make sure of it.
Those stairs were in my every dream. Every 53 of them. Hate that number. It’s strange, at Music Core It’s always 56 stairs, same at Music Bank.
At least 4 times this week since Sunday they had appeared. Except for yesterday though, Friday, I dreamt I caught you and Yuri in the bathroom at home. It was… very unpleasant. I didn’t like it when I woke up either, Yuri was sitting and talking to Jessica on the other bed. It made me turn around groaning. Made me wish for those 4 dreams to reappear. Made me almost start hating on Yuri for a stupid dream. Gosh.
Maybe I do hate her.
We won again. Everyone became loud when we got backstage... Seohyun was holding the trophy, admiring the imprinted ‘Inkigayo’ letters. She looked proud, proud of her unnies and proud of herself. Sunny was barely standing, oh that jumping girl. She jumped onto Tiffany’s back and squealed. Taeyeon turned to them and smiled widely. Seemingly wanting to join perhaps? Oh, too many imaginations right now.
…where are you heading now? You whisper something by Yuri’s hair that goes into her ear. You even grab her arm to keep her in place, slightly on your toes. I think my heart’s about to stop. She retreats and smiles at you, you two being way to close. She nods and as my mind goes into overheat, I think you’re gonna kiss her right there in front of everyone. Or at least, in front of Jessica, Yoona and…me. We are the ones turned and looking on. Poor fake magnae but even poorer m-hey, what the? - I think my heart is pounding again. You leave Yuri and walk over to me. You’re talking and saying how you knew we would win - no, but wait, what is happening behind you? Yuri walks away with Jessica? Far away, I see them head down the stairs. They just left. No one seems to notice except me… and Hyoyeon.
I take in how you act in front of me and, you’re close. And not just close as in a meter away. You are *really* close. Holy cow.Y-You even take my hand…
Screw Yul and Sica right now, I don’t give a damn
…“Hyoyeon”... your name slips my tongue, it sounds …delicious. But I’m not confident. I can’t keep holding onto your hand. You will feel my sweaty palm in a few seconds - what will you do then? Please…don’t retreat your hand… okay… just don’t let go…oh god wait, I haven’t said anything yet. I’m just stirring at her. She…smiles thought, doesn’t seem to mind the quietness. Wait, how is it quiet here all the suddenly? Where is the party troop behind me? Apparently we are the only ones left.
Didn’t expect this, calm down SooYoung. Let’s… just start walking to the van before-
“Why are your hands so sweaty, Soo?” Hyoyeon lifted the tight clamed hands too their eye level. Ohfuckno. She rotates the two attached hands as If she was inspecting them. She looks…dorky, but oh so beautiful it pains. So close it kills me-or, it did now. I didn’t see it, but I felt it. A kiss on my hand. I averted my eyes from your face and looked at the moist spot. The thought of her tongue touching my skin was… too much, too rated. But…lips, Hyoyeon’s lips. Don’t just stir at the hand you fool! Say something! Anything!
She snipped her head up….so close. Eyes curious, lips parted, light perfect and somehow it’s all a bit strange. What she just did I can’t process. But she seems… utterly calm… anyways.
“D-do you want to go to the make out, and bathroom?”
Oh, you just embarrassed yourself for the rest of your life. WHERE IS THE NEAREST CLIFF?!
Hyoyeon giggles, biting her lip cutely. WhatisshedoingomfgIthinkImgonnadieofembarressment-
“I think we should, Soo.”
…holy cow.
x: hyoyeon,
fanwork: fanfiction,
pairing: hyoyoung,
x: jessica,
x: sooyoung,
x: yuri