So the one after the last was meant to be solely HP but I ended up reading much more than that. Also, I see I started my love affair with iCarly rather early-ish as I have two fics recced for it here. XDDD
° Castle/Supernatural (1)
° Harry Potter (6)
° iCarly (2)
° Inception (1)
° Inception/Sherlock (BBC) (1)
° Leverage/White Collar (1)
Castle/Supernatural -
Mercy Be Revealed by
jacyevans. Sam/Alexis. Unrated.
Warning, this is a Big Bang fic which means it's over 30k words. It's also the pairing of Sam/Alexis who are from two different worlds and yet manage to get together in their crazy worlds. It takes place way after where we are in Castle and before Supernatural really starts. If anything, the thing that makes this interesting is the fact that she makes Sam/Alexis work well. It's believable that Alexis falls in love with Sam. Believable that Sam would keep quiet about his past. Believable how Alexis and Sam fall back together again. Believable how well Alexis flls into his world. It's great to see how their journey goes, but ugh, that ENDING. It really makes you want to see MORE. What happens after that point? Also there's a fic that she wrote after this called
Our Ex-lovers and Their Ghost where well, it's at the end of season 5. That says it all, doesn't it?
Harry Potter -
Mastering the Art of Pig Wrestling by
skoosiepants. Ginny/Draco. Unrated.
Since I've been into Harry Potter WHICH BY THE WAY, SOBS AND TEARS AT THE ENDING OF THE LAST MOVIE, I've always been a huge Ginny/Draco fan. While I've gone back and re-read some of my old favorites and they haven't quite held up, I'm definitely looking for some new favorites. And this? Wow, this was surprisingly awesome. I mean, who would've expected a fic where Ginny owns this farm while Draco is The Refuge's benefactor. I think the collection of characters in this is fascinating. First, half the fic are familiar faces--Ginny, Draco, Neville, Millicent Bulstrode and more. While the other half are new characters, but they're all interesting which is always a fun thing. I'm always a fan of the pull and push of characters--opposites attracting is my favorite cliche. Mainly because I LOVE banter. *__________*
Harry Potter -
The Commune Love Story by
skoosiepants. Hermione/Blaise, and lots of other side couples. Unrated.
Once again, I'm following authors! In this one, we see Millicent Bulstrode (a character I don't think I usually see in fic!) yet again becoming friends with Hermione and basically the harem they gather around them. XD This fic is oodles of fun. Yes, oodles. The way
skoosiepants integrates character after character into this AU world and seeing people I love in the books show up slowly, but surely, and in perfect character too is awesome. There are pairings I would never usually ship but that they make work so much that I totally ship them in the context of this fic only. I adore the characters. Find them to be all sorts of fun. And just like this story a lot. *_________*
Harry Potter -
Dirty Trousers by
skoosiepants. So many couples! Unrated.
One of my favorite movies of all time has to be Love Actually. The way they managed to have all these characters, whose stories seemed completely unconnected, but were actually all intricately connected in some way. This story totally works tin the same way. I can't imagine how
skoosiepants managed to interlink all these characters and make it believable and kind of fascinating and adorable all at the same time. I'm talking in such broad strokes because there's so much in this to talk about, but there's no way I can address it all. Just a must read. By the end, all you'll want is more.
Harry Potter -
Noticing by
obfuscate. Draco/Pansy. R.
He could be romantic and idealistic and say that he simply opened his eyes one day, and there she was, and she was beautiful.
Except that those traits don't really come naturally to Slytherins.
In actual fact, he simply opened his eyes one day, and there her breasts were, and they were beautiful.
This isn't the opening line or anything, but it has to be my favoritest part of the fic because really, it sums up teenage!Draco (as portrayed in this fic anyway) absolutely perfectly. But what's interesting about this is that it's such a different Draco than I'm used to. A Draco that genuinely likes Pansy but isn't sure how to go about it. He's a bit of a dunce, a jackass (things don't change ofc), but something about him and Pansy is really nice.
Harry Potter -
Twelve Months by
obfuscate. Ron/Pansy, Ron/Hermione. R-NC-17.
What's great about how this was written is that even though we get short scenes once a month, we still get a good sense of the situation Ron is in at the moment. We see that he and Hermione aren't together anymore. We see that at first, there's no illusion of love between Ron/Pansy (or at least so they lead themselves to think). Once again, the push/pull of characters is fascinating in this case. I like how we see Ron/Pansy just grow together in the span of a year and how Ron realizes things.
Harry Potter -
For our allotted time is the passing of a shadow by
florahart. Cedric/Hermione. R.
This is fascinating. I would've never paired Hermione with Cedric. I don't even know if it would still work if we took it in a context that wasn't the world this is--this world being one where Cedric didn't die in the graveyard of GoF, but survived. But that's what's wrong with his world--or at least, something is trying to tell him that it shouldn't have happened that way. That's how Cedric and Hermione come together. How they try to find out what's wrong and still manage to fall in love in the process. It's long, but intriguing.
iCarly -
Six Times and Counting by
thatview. Sam/Freddie. NC-17.
So I am growing to really love iCarly. It's a scary addiction but I can't help it (please don't judge!! T.T). So of course, with most of my fandoms, I NEED FIC BADLY. I'm sad to say though that it's rough waters out there. Very, very rough waters. But thankfully, sometimes I find a nice little fic to latch onto. This is one of them. The title refers to the 6 times Sam and Freddie sleep together and, no, it's not mushy. It's not cheesy. It's so very them. It just happens. Or rather, they just happen? The Sam voice is possibly one of the best I've read and seeing her interact with Freddie is seriously just fun. (Just like the show!)
iCarly -
Makes Me Happy by
singwithin. Sam, Melanie, implied Sam/Freddie. PG.
I haven't gotten up to the episode of Melanie yet (I'm going very slowly in my watch) but I do know of her and what happened in that episode. I think what makes this is the relationship between Sam/Melanie. Most of the fics I've read with her kind of gloss over that relationship even though it's such a big one. They are serious opposites, but you still get the sense that they are sisters. They still care and love each other as sisters. I liked seeing how Sam handled Freddie/Melanie and seeing just how much it affected her even though she didn't want it to (or at least fooled herself into thinking it didn't). And just the calm ending of this is lovely.
Inception -
Early Returns by ?. Arthur/Eames. Unrated.
I blame this fic for making me want Newspaper AUs up the wazoo. *____________* The whole universe is so fleshed out that you can't help but be drawn into it. It's so detailed that it seriously made me wonder if the author actually worked there because, man, I can't imagine the craziness of working on a newspaper. I love the roles that everyone's pulled into to, the way the characters work together and how they talk. I love that Arthur's the center because he is the best and his life is so hard. lol Plus having him as the editor is genius, who else would be such a perfectionist? I can't even continue to talk about this because I think there's just not much to say other than, PLEASE READ IT. If there's one Inception fic you have to read, it should be this. And even though I wrote unrated, there isn't anything dirty (other than language) in this! So should be SFW.
Inception/Sherlock (BBC) -
The Case of the Interloper by
imogenedisease. Arthur/Eames, implied Sherlock/John. PG-13.
If there's anything that I'd want to see in this fic, it's how visually Sherlock's world would look like when in the dream world. We get a hint of that here, when Eames and Arthur come to Sherlock for some help and he convinces them to show him the dream world. It's fun seeing Arthur's world be turned around by Sherlock, because really, the Sherlock in the BBC version is so unsettling, so confusing, and all sorts of selfish. The interaction between all of them, the twist in the middle amuses the crap out of me. (I have also just discovered it has a fucking
sequel which is awesome and pulls in Ariadne and Yusuf into this universe where they have to extract something. SERIOUSLY. BRILLIANT.)
Leverage/White Collar -
I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal (and I Just Don't Get Any Respect) by fiercelydreamed. Leverage/White Collar gang. Teen and Up.
As with so many other things that have gone off the rails in the last year, it starts like this:
"All right," Nate says, and smacks his hands together. "Let's go steal a con artist."
Best opening ever. Because it's seriously so true. In the show, every time I hear Nate go "Let's go steal *so and so*" I worry because as the episodes have gone on, it gets harder and harder. I love that they decide to steal Neal of all people. Love how they interact with him because sure, they kidnapped him, but they're very nice about it. Love seeing how Neal/Parker actually relate (I believe there's a fic of the scene they mention in here). LOVE THAT ELIZABETH IS SO KICK-ASS (You'll see what I mean). Love how well written the entire Leverage gang is. And just all of it is loads of fun (have I said that enough in this one rec post? Like seriously. I am out of shit to say now). In summary, read this. It's short and sweet.