Ugh, I let too much time go between this one and the last, so this is going to be kind of bloated. Whoops. XD
° Bones (1)
° Glee (1)
° How I Met Your Mother (1)
° Inception (3)
° Merlin (1)
° Sherlock (BBC) (1)
° The Hunger Games (3)
° Veronica Mars (1)
° PWP (3 - Inception, Johnny's, J-actresses)
Bones -
Nine Million Bicycles In Beijing by
laiqualaurelote. Wendell/Vincent, Bones/Booth, Sweets/Daisy, Angela/Hodgins. PG-13.
I think what really stems my adoration for this fic is that it takes place in the AU universe that the Bones creators put into the show for that one episode. I actually quite liked that universe (and not only because Bones/Booth are actually together in it) but because it's a fun world, a fun environment and I love seeing how they interact in it. This fic features Vincent in the lead and his relationship, or lack there-of, with Wendell. I love the banter, the interactions. They all sound SO in character and all in all, just a fun read.
Glee -
can't even think straight by
storypaint. Kurt/Rachel. PG.
I may like Kurt (relatively enough) on screen, but I usually don't read fic on him. Until this fic. I think it was the summary that did me in. "Kurt and Rachel have the gayest straight relationship ever." I mean, really now. I love how this fic frames it--how Kurt and Rachel are really bffs to start with (which we can already see in the show, just throw in Mercedes) and how somehow that builds to more. It's just utterly cute and I love the scene where Kurt has to break the news to his family. lol Finn's confusion, I love it. XD
How I Met Your Mother -
there will be time to chase the sun by
londondrowning. Ted/Robin. PG-13.
On HIMYM, I totally ship Barney/Robin (you know, after the ultimate OTP of Marshall/Lily). And for Ted/Robin, I've always been more fond of their friendship--I mean, after I got over shipping them in the beginning of the series. I think they make amazing friends and that they work well for each other in that sense, they understand each other. That said, this fic takes that and makes them work as a couple. And really, it's amazing how well they work and I love seeing the growth in Robin especially because she has to go through the things she's been trying to avoid, and realize that there was really nothing to fear. Plus the proposal scene? Kick-ass. :D
Inception -
I've Got Nothing To Do Today But Smile by
gyzym. Arthur/Eames, side Ariadne/Yusuf. PG-13.
Okay, I will say here and now that for Inception, I am more of an Ariadne/Arthur (and to a small extent Ariadne/Eames and even fond of a threesome of them) shipper. Which is amusing in a fandom that's more about Arthur/Eames than anything else. That said, I picked this fic up because... I think someone was recommending "cafe fics" in any fandom and this one was recced. And it was good enough to break me out of my het habit for Inception. I loved the way that Arthur and Eames met, the AU being that Arthur is a lawyer and Eames the owner of a newly formed cafe. I loved seeing how Arthur depended on Eames without realizing he did. The banter, the tension, the slowly growing friendship. All so lovely. And the reason why I started reading the rest of this author's fics.
Inception -
Wherever You Will Be (That's Where I'll Call Home) by
gyzym. Arthur/Eames, side Ariadne/Yusuf. Ranges from PG-13 to NC-17.
Which leads to this one. This is a multi-seried AU in that there are currently 8 stories in this universe and I am dying for more. I think what I really like about this series is that it goes beyond the hook-up. It shows who Arthur and Eames grow together, how they live together, how they help each other through really tough situations--first with Eames' family and then with Arthur's. How it's hard, but it works. It's really nice just seeing the growth. On a side note, love the small bites of Ariadne/Yusuf. There's one story that's solely theirs and I find myself wanting to hear more about the two. They have a nice friendship that seems to have grown into more, except we haven't got there yet.
Inception -
The Waking Years by
weatherfront. Arthur/Eames. NC-17.
I blame this one on
anamuan. She wrote a fic (that I actually recced down in the PWPs section) and said the title came from this fic. And well, I thought I'd check it out. I've already bent to reading Arthur/Eames, so I thought, why the fuck not? And it was so fucking worth it. While, yes, I do love seeing the relationship between Arthur/Eames form from something akin to fuck-buddies to realizing there's something more (as annoyingly Disney as that sounds), my favorite thing about this fic is actually the team as a whole. As much as I like the original Inception team,
weatherfront creates a whole new crew of people (well, not entirely new as Arthur, Eames and later Yusuf are in this) who are pulling a job. And they are fabulous. I love the banter, the interactions, how they have each other's backs. And they're different from the Inception crew that we know. I think they're fabulous original characters and I definitely would not protest reading more about them.
Merlin -
Pairing Pendragon/Merlin by ?. Arthur/Merlin. Unrated.
I will say right here and now that I do not read Merlin fic. Ever. Mainly because I think I'm still stuck in the first five episodes of the series. Now why did I pick this up? Because I was trolling through someone's LJ (in the positive term for the word, I swear) and they, along with me, are not in the Merlin fandom and they even recced it. Well, if it's good for someone whose writing I like, and who doesn't even have to be in fandom to appreciate, I thought I'd check it out. Totally glad I did, because it got at one of my favorite plots, I suppose we can say. Fandom fic. I absolutely love AUs of any fandom where the people are in a fandom on LJ. And this was one for the Merlin fandom. Funnily enough, the Merlin and Arthur were in a fandom for "Camelot," essentially their namesakes, which makes me laugh, where Arthur is a BNF and Merlin somehow becomes his beta. More than anything, I love how in depth the author gets into aspects of fandom--fangirls wondering if the stars of Camelot are together, them wanting pictures with BNFs--and some simultaneously hating. The brief look at comments, how sometimes they can be creepy. Anon memes. How awkward and kind of scary it can be to meet online buddies in real life. ALL of it.
Sherlock (BBC) -
History, Repeating Itself by
gyzym. Holmes/Watson. R.
And we're back to
gyzym. (Remember, I like reading other stories by authors that I find I like their writing. I'm sure that made sense in the awkward gramatical structure it's in...somewhere.) Anyway, incorrect grammar aside, this was hysterical. First of all, it's written in first POV, in Watson's POV. And it also seems to have been written after the events that he's writing about, which leads to some foreshadowing to what may happen later. If anything, I just like seeing Watson get caught up in Holmes's actions, and while it seems he protests, he also seems to enjoy it. I like seeing (as always) how they get closer. I liked seeing that there was something lurking in the background. I liked seeing Holmes' brother and their relationship. I just liked a LOT about this fic.
The Hunger Games -
All Things Are Mine Since Truth I Found by
mithrigil. Haymitch-centric. R.
This fic takes place right after Haymitch wins his Games and continues from there. I'm going to sound like a broken record, but I do so adore getting backstories for characters. In this one, it's kind of maddening seeing how Haymitch is manipulated by President Snow. Kind of scary and eerie and
mithrigil plays that up so well throughout the fic. Up until the last line.
The Hunger Games -
How Rue Became the Mockingjay by
aimmyarrowshigh. The Hunger Games people (from the first book). PG-13.
This was all sorts of sad. Seeing how things were changed if Rue had ended up being the one they kept alive instead of Katniss and Peeta. How Katniss and Peeta worked to keep her alive so they could get her to Thresh safely and the two of them could win the Hunger Games instead. I liked that Foxface played a bigger role in this one, that she helped them out, that she went to Thresh willing to die. I just liked how it all played out. Although it makes you think, how would Rue have been able to deal with the events after this? She had a big family... what would President Snow have done to her?
The Hunger Games -
don't wake me for the end of the world, unless it has good special effects by
jada-jasmine. Katniss/Peeta, Johanna/Gale. Unrated.
I love saying less is more and
jada_jasmine does it so well. When we have really concise scenes showing everything in just a few lines... I can't do it myself, but I so love reading it. Reading between the text, trying to figure out what's not being said. Or even just relishing in what has been said. I liked that we also had others in there--scenes between Johanna/Finnick. Or Annie/Haymitch (somewhat anyway). Seeing even a little bit of Rue. It all breaks your heart. Then again, that's what's so good about this series.
Veronica Mars -
A Strange New Story Every Time by
gyzym. Logan/Veronica. NC-17.
Ohman, I haven't read Veronica Mars fic in the longest and it was so good to go back to it. It was nice seeing Logan and Veronica come back together. They're older, maybe wiser, a lot more jaded, and yet, it's still the same. They enjoy being with each other, at least this time, it's not as angry. Although thank God for that when Veronica carries a GUN. It's amsuing seeing Logan's self-debate as he wonders what he should do with Veronica. How Wallace (of course! BFFs with Veronica forever) is able to talk some sense into him. Just all of it. I also have to admit, I love that we see a mini-crossover with White Collar since Veronica is working in the FBI in New York, so of course she knows Caffrey. i would pay to see more of that crossover, just saying. All in all, an amazing fic with an OTP that I've loved for oh so long.
Untitled by
agenttrojie. Ariadne/Eames/Arthur (Inception).
Of beer, marshmallows, and manly friendship by ?. Yamapi/Jin/Ryo (NEWS/Jin/Kanjani8).
I bet it sounds even better when I’m not bleeding out by
anamuan. Tsurara!Horikita Maki/Kurosaki!Kuroki Meisa (Sweet Power AU).
Next rec post will likely be Harry Potter-centric. I have been yearning for HP fic for the past couple of days and they've all been amazing. (hey if you guys have any recs yourself, let me know! i've gotten a bunch but wouldn't mind more. :D)