I bet it sounds even better when I’m not bleeding out - Kurosagi!AU - NC-17

Feb 13, 2011 19:59

Title: I bet it sounds even better when I’m not bleeding out
Author: anamuan
Fandom, Pairing: Tsurara!Horikita Maki/Kurosaki!Kuroki Meisa
Word Count: 1,591 words.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kuroki Meisa is an emotionally scarred hitwoman, who takes out people for cash and con artists to get revenge for her dead family. Horikita Maki is the poor law student who's moved into the apartment next door and is trying to save Kuroki from herself.
Notes: This was written because sinonymity and I were talking about how awesome it would have been if Kuroki Meisa had been cast as Kurosaki. I bullied her into writing some for me, and then she made me write some on my last drabble meme, and I just kept wanting to write the mid-series porn that would totally have happened if Kuroki Meisa had been playing Kurosaki instead of Yamapi. This is that porn.

The title is taken from a line in one of weatherfront's wholly unrelated inception fic (which, by the way, go read, because it's amazing, I do not even care if you haven't seen the movie.) and is being repurposed here.

"Do you even know what you want? You don't know what you're getting into," Kuroki warns.

Maki lifts her chin up, defiant, determined. Her eyes are less sure, but it's clear she's set on this anyway. She's not going to admit to being scared. "Yes," Maki says, and hauls Kuroki in.

The red of Kuroki's lipstick transfers to Maki's skin.

Maki doesn't pause until she's gotten both their shirts off--hers first, and Kuroki's surprised how unselfconsciously she'd done it. Everything Maki's ever done screams naiveté, but she strips herself like it's nothing, as natural as breathing. It's when she gets Kuroki's off--Kuroki's arms coming up as Maki drags the soft T-shirt up over her head--that she stops.

Maki just stops and stares for a minute, like she's put the world on pause. Her face is shuttered--not quite blank, but Kuroki doesn't even begin to know how to read the expression on it. It's like someone had taken Farsi and written it out in Morse code. Kuroki's shirt drops from nerveless fingers, and Maki's reaching out slow and almost reverent to run gentle fingers down Kuroki's side. The pads of her fingers brush down along ribs, and Kuroki suppresses shivers.

Maki stops when her fingers hit the top of Kuroki's pants, and then she reaches back up to the top, just under the white of Kuroki's bra and starts again, fingers dragging down the same trail in that same unhurried pace. Maki's eyes track her fingertips, like everything in this moment is boiling down to the edges where they meet--and then Maki bites her lip, like she's concentrating, and Kuroki tips her back onto the bed in a sprawl of limbs.

Kuroki finds the zipper on Maki's skirt and pulls it down carefully. She doesn't know why she's bothering, being careful about keeping the zipper's teeth from catching on the silk. She pulls her skirt off and drops it on the floor with much less regard. Next off come Maki's panties, plain cotton damp already.

Nothing about the way she's splayed out on the bed speaks to artifice, and Kuroki wonders at that, at how anyone can be as straightforward as Maki seems to be, but then Maki's reaching for her again, and she doesn't care. She can work on cracking Maki later. Kuroki unhooks Maki's bra, helps her pull it off. There will be time later to see if she's really honest all the way through, or if she's a liar like everyone else, like Kuroki has always believed is the only way a human can be.

Kuroki slides out from under Maki's hands easily, but lets her keep her gaze. It's kind of heady, actually, the way Maki's eyes stay locked on her face the whole time, the way her pupils are blown wide and dark as Kuroki works her way down between Maki's soft breasts to her stomach. It's heady, the way Maki gasps and arches up when Kuroki bites the skin at her hip, but still won't look away. Her eyes finally slip shut when Kuroki pushes her thighs apart, leans her head down, and just stays there--almost close enough to touch but not quite--and breathes over her, gentle and vicious and teasing. Maki's eyes close like they have to, like the embodiment of desperation.

When Kuroki puts her mouth on her, she screams.

"Shh, shh, shh," Kuroki sooths, crawling back up Maki's body so her lips are by her ear. She never stops moving her fingers over Maki, long delicate fingers rubbing less than soothing circles along Maki's wet folds. "Shh," she presses to Maki's lips. "The neighbours will hear you."

Maki catches Kuroki's lips with her own, pushing her hips up slow and frantic into Kuroki's touch. She breaks back with a gasp when Kuroki rubs down over her clit and uses the opportunity to say, "I am the neighbours," before licking over Kuroki's lips again. Kuroki thinks about making her come just like this, Maki gasping into her mouth.

Maki reaches her arms up, puts her hands on Kuroki's sides, fingers spread wide, and strokes down over Kuroki's back. She stops for a while at Kuroki's waist, just holding on, delicately manicured nails digging into the skin above the small of Kuroki's back. Her eyes are shut tight now, and she's breathing hard. Her hips are hitching up against Kuroki's hand, erratic, and Kuroki just puts her palm down over Maki's clit and gives her some pressure to rut against.

Kuroki doesn't change her mind until Maki pries her hands off her waist, and slides them down over her ass to her thighs to pull her up (well, down) against her. Maki slides a knee up between Kuroki's legs, and pushes up with the same off-beat rhythm she's pushing her own hips up, and suddenly making Maki come like this--taking Maki apart on her bed--is just not going to be enough.

"Pants," Kuroki gasps, to give Maki warning. Maki still whines, a little, when Kuroki pulls away, takes her hand back to get her jeans open, but that doesn't stop Maki from helping to peel them down over her hips so Kuroki can step out of them. The noise Maki makes when Kuroki crawls back down on top of her, skin to skin from stomach to knees, is like a shock to the back of Kuroki's skull, hot and sweet and perfect.

When Kuroki pushes a finger in, Maki leaves marks on the backs of Kuroki's thighs, trying to pull her up higher, high enough for her to reach. Kuroki goes where Maki wants her, but slides another finger into the hot slick as she does, and Maki, Maki doesn't come off the bed. Maki pushes down and back, slow and relentless, like she is about everything, until they're both in as far as they'll go. Kuroki's not vicious in this, but she's not gentle, and she can tell from the way Maki's breathing that it's more than she's used to.

She feels fragile under Kuroki's hands, suddenly, and Kuroki has the inexplicable urge to be careful with her, but when she tries to pull one finger out, keep the thrust of her hand thin and shallow, Maki bites her, hard, on the shoulder, and snakes a hand down around Kuroki's wrist, holding her in place. "Fine," Kuroki snaps, biting Maki back, and pushing in hard and sharp and fast. Maki curls a leg over Kuroki's hip, and her moans are hard and sharp and fast like the stroke of Kuroki's fingers.

Kuroki sets a hard pace, reminding Maki of what she'd told her at the beginning, and she revels in the way Maki is falling apart around her. The way Maki thrashes, the way she shakes. The way her hips keep snapping forward, and the way she's opening easily for Kuroki now. And then Maki gets her hands on Kuroki, pushing in between her legs, and Kuroki bites her again, harder. It should leave a mark, high on her collarbone. Maki will have to wear a scarf to hide it, and the thought makes Kuroki groan.
"Yes, yes, yes," Maki pants, mouth pressed to the side of Kuroki's head like she needs it for balance, not like she's trying to work Kuroki up. It does anyway, regardless of intent. One of Maki's hands is slipping on the sweat on Kuroki's shoulders, and she's got both legs wrapped around Kuroki's back now, twitching on the ends of Kuroki's fingertips.

She doesn't scream when she comes. She makes a noise like she'd been punched, and every part of her body twists unbearably tight for a long moment, locked in place, and then, when her legs slide wide and boneless from Kuroki's back, she makes a sound that's caught between a moan and something else, something Kuroki can't even put a name to, and then she starts to twist her fingers inside Kuroki again.

Kuroki had meant to ease out, slow and careful, but she can't, she can't, she can't even think now, not with the way Maki is pushing inside her, the soft press of Maki's lips to the side of Kuroki's neck. Her lips are sweet and gentle, and Kuroki doesn't want that, but pulling her head away is too much work when she needs to grind down against Maki's palm. It slides slick against her clit, and Kuroki's running wet down her legs, and then Maki throws a leg over her hips again, but this time it's to give her more weight, to pull her down harder onto her hand.

Kuroki comes with a groan, with a rushing in her ears, and Maki keeps pushing into her through it. It almost hurts, and Kuroki groans again, pulling her legs together but pressing into Maki's touch at the same time, body unsure of which it wants more. Kuroki falls boneless to the side and Maki does ease out of her, a moment later, when Kuroki's stopped twitching. Then Maki's pushing her over onto her back, pushing her legs apart, and Kuroki can't help the noise she makes when Maki puts her mouth on her cunt, can't help the way her hips twitch when Maki licks the come off her thighs.

Kuroki never does get her bra off.

Kuroki gets no satisfaction from throwing Maki out the next morning, because she knows Maki's just next door, a thin wall away. "You don't know what you're getting into," Kuroki says, but of course Maki can't hear her now.

rating: nc-17, pairing: meisa/maki, fandom: sweet power!fic, fandom: kurosagi, fandom: drama!fic, anamuan, extra: femmeslash

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