up until now

Jul 01, 2006 09:13

wow... i know like 5 people going to AX this year. wish i was one of em'. XD nah, have fun u guys. and i want to see picutres! pictures!

holy shitto... CLAMP... in the US.

holy shitto... romi park. so awesome.

hopefully kawaiikon doesn't suck... if i'm here for it that is. T_T maybe i'll go far away to japan for study abroad... if i'm allowed to do so. =P

gads... the last couple months have been crazy. more drama. more crap from so-called family.

i hate my family. well, at this point the only family i have is my mom. everyone else... bah! they suck.

as for yu gi oh nationals... gah! placed 207 or something like that. out of 350 or so. not SO bad... but my deck flipped me off in the last two rounds which made me VERY sad. but it was fun. weather in cali is mucho better than hawaii.

speaking of which, it's so HUMID. close to passing out.

anyways, there's karaoke today.

or another tournament.

i'm thinking karaoke. =)
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