US Nationals, 2006

Jun 04, 2006 18:04

holy shitto. that was 9 long rounds of ... gawds... i have no idea how to describe it.

it was long.

i wish i had thought my deck through a little harder. lilly would have been a big help, but i didn't bring any extras to side in. oh well. learn from mistakes.

win: 3

loss: 6

not exactly the best record. pretty much my deck was a weaker variation of all the winning decks. chaos - return. i lost the last round to a burn deck. i don't think it would have mattered though. i still didn't place high enough to get any card packs. =P on the bright side, i got props for my bleach deck box. i think i was the only one there w/one, and a yondaime plushie sitting by my side whilst i dueled. so sad, some ppl thought it was ichigo. i was like 'nnnnnnooooo...!'\

the crappiest part about nationals was not me losing 6 out of 9. it was that one of the losses came from someone from hawaii. yes. there were over 300 ppl at this event. out of ALL of the people there, i play someone i play pretty much every week back home. what a rip off. if i was going to lose, i'd rather have it at the hands of someone i don't know. that's the whole point, isn't it?

here's my decklist, for those who care.


Mobius the Frost Monarch, Jinzo, Chaos Sorcerer x2, Cyber Dragon x3, AirKnight Perseus, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, Mirage Dragon, DD Warrior Lady, Don Zaloog, Dekoichi the Battlechanged Locomotive, Tsukuyomi, Sangan, Magician of Faith x2, Spirit Reaper x2, Tree Born Frog


Graceful Charity, MST, Heavy Storm, Snatch Steal, Book of Moon, Premature Burial, Smashing Ground x2, Metamorphasis, Nobleman of Crossout x2, Confiscation, Scapegoats


Mirror Force, Forced Back x2, Torrential Tribute, Call of the Haunted, Dust Tonado, Bottomless Trap Hole

my conclusion: Forced Back (counter trap: negate the normal or flip summon of a monster and return it to the owner's hand) is a negative 1 if used against a flip summon. it works great in stopping Jinzo and the monarch line up, giving me a free shot at their life. if i had main decked lilly and some giant orcs, the opponent would probably be down past half life by the third turn or so, assuming i get crossout and start off strong w/Cyber Dragon. =) i love those things.

there was a benefit tournament today, but i skipped that to do one of my favorite past times. SHOPPING! XD well... shopping here isn't too different from shopping at home. minus the 8% tax. T_T that's not nice.

i'll update later. maybe. pics will come up soon after i get home. all i can say is, i love the batman statue.
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