Title: Card Captor Kimira (I.E. xxxHOLiC/CCS)
Characters: As much as I can crack in. I'm considering adding TRC or Legal Drug folks.
Chapter: Prologue
Rating: PG. It is a thing with CCS so it shouldn't be too bad. (I slipped in the word hell this time, gasp!)
Shipping: Toumeki/Kimira xDD (And again, anything else I can think of)
Summary: Kimira Watamoto (Kinonuki?) discovered the mysterious Clow Cards and since then, with the aid the loyal guardian Kekona, must capture all the cards to return the order of... the world! (or something)
I might make them a bit older.
Post 1,
Post 2 brought to you and me by
Disclaimer: I don't own CCS nor do I own xxxHOLiC, or anything CLAMP for that matter. Hell, I don't even own the idea.
igchaleeya's crack made this.
The story began in the room of a normal boy. It was a normal awakening, brought to him via his alarm clock. It was pink, shiny and it stood next to one of his favorite dolls.
“Oh, it's just the alarm.” he yawned, as he pushed the cover off from his bed.
The boy was Kimira Watamoto, a student at Tomoeda Middle School. If you asked him, he'd tell you his favorite school subjects, but he was alone in his room so there was no need to talk to himself right now. What you should know is, he is a very cheerful person.
Kimira had that same dream last night. The one where he stood in front of the Tokyo Tower, and jumped towards it as those mysterious cards fluttered around him.
But! He wouldn't worry about that right now. He had breakfast to get to.
He romped down the stairs and walked into the kitchen, where his family awaited.
“Good Morning!” he said cheerily, only to be blanked back by his sister, Yuuya. She was a good few years older than him, already in high school. She sipped tea calmly and proceeded to torment her little brother, as she did every chance she got.
“Why were you thrashing about in your room? You're so loud, it sounds like some kind of weird spirit was haunting us.” She didn't even bother to look at Kimira, but still had a very evil smirk on her face.
“I am not some weird spirit!” he stomped loudly. Since he failed to get Yuuya's attention, he went off into a fantasy about someday defeating her in some kinda of fight or something. His thoughts were interrupted by his father, Haruka who came in with breakfast. He was wearing a pink apron and had a very calm smile.
“Aha, you two get along so well in the morning!” his presence was soft and cheerful. He was a teacher, and very able around the house. As in, he made breakfast lunch and dinner. Boxed lunches, too.
After eating some breakfast, Kimira dashed off to catch up with his older sister, who had left early for soccer practice. He snapped on his pink roller blades and double checked his elbow and knee pads, before sprinting away. After block or so, he caught up with his sister, who was annoyed at seeing him run so fast.
“You know, just because I have to get to school early, doesn't mean you have to.”
“I-I know...” he blushed, trying to act inconspicuous as they approached the next turn.
They ran into Zashiito, Yuuya's best friend, on their way to school. She was a kind and sweet person, who Kimira had a tiny crush on.
"Good bye, Kimira-kun~" she waved goodbye as she followed Yuuya on her bike.
Kimira was lost in a daze of her beauty, even as she wheeled away. At the last moment, Zashiito threw a tiny chocolate at Kimira and left smiling. Kimira caught it, and smiled dreamily.
“Ooh. Slick move.”
“Gyah!” Kimira jumped, startled at his friend's sudden appearance. It was Toumeki, his best friend who was smart, handsome and the son of a rich family. On the flip side, he also had a deep voice and a completely emotionless face. It had also occurred to Kimira what an uncanny resemblance Toumeki had to his father. It was kind of eerie... But he'd ignored it for most of his life by now.
“That was a slick move, handing you a gift just as she left. I'm jealous.” They began a regular conversation and were on their way.
They walked into school together and chatted over their lockers/shoe stalls.
“You were so cute back there, Kimira-chan.~”
“How you held that candy with that dreamy look...” he clasped his hands together and looked up into his daydream.
“Uh- Toumeki...!”
“Ah! I wish I could have recorded that on my video camera or taken a picture...” he sighed, his face plastered in that same blank look and his voice deep as ever. Kimira sweatdropped a little, but knew that Toumeki loved taking pictures and videos, so he decided to let it slide.
“Oh, that's right. I bought a new camcorder! Please let me film you again~” he said hopefully, and he clenched Kimira hands in his own.
“Sure. But there has to be something more interesting to record than me, right?” his tone was bleak. He knew the answer to this.
“Of course not. Kimira-chan is the most interesting and cutest thing in the world!” he turned wistfully, sparkles gleaming around him, rather than his normally dead eyes. His voice was still the same... and Kimira only slumped in defeat. There was no talking to him when he got like this.
“Alright! I'll bring my camcorder tomorrow, just you wait, Kimira-chan.” he marched away humming some kind of deep victory song.
That day at school, he was spaced out for most of his classes. He couldn't stop thinking about that weird dream... was that really him? In that pink cape and matching hat? And what the hell was that pork bun flying around him? Before he knew it, he was doodling that same bun.
“Ooh. That looks cute. What is it?” Toumeki whispered flatly, not wanting to get caught by the teacher.
“Well, today I--” Kimira attempted to tell him, but was called by the teacher.
The rest of the day was no better. He spaced out a lot, he couldn't get that dream out of his head.
Still, when he arrived at home things were a little odd. His father was held up at work, apparently, but there was something else that wasn't quite normal. He could hear--no--feel something strange coming from a room in his house. Her father's study, no less.
Kimira quietly entered the room. He was shaking, but he had to be sure there was no one in there. He had never been down in this room, and he was surprised to see books upon shelves, books stacked all over the floor. He looked around every corner, but couldn't find anyone.
“No one's here...?” he turned to leave, until he saw something off the corner of his eyes.
A book was... glowing. There really wasn't any other way to describe it. He was allured by it, pulled closer and closer until he finally held it in his hands. It was the book he had seen in his dream. Curiosity spurred him on, the seal from the book was open, and he opened it carefully.
“What?” the book was filled with cards. He picked up the first one and looked it over. What was the point of keeping cards in a book? Was it come kind of secret compartment?
And what was with the cards? He noticed that it said something on the under the ornate picture it had.
“Win... Windy?” and as he spoke the words, a magic circle appeared beneath his feet, summoning a torrent of wind that blew away everything, including the cards in the book. They flew out, magically going through the objects in his house and out into the sky.
Kimira began to panic. The book was now empty and all he had now was that one Windy card.
“What am I gonna do!?” he shouted, releasing his frustration.
Suddenly, the fallen book began to glow, and from it sprouted a... black meat bun!? No, it had ears and a face. Sort of.
“Pyuu! What's up! I'm surprised you were able to wake me up!” it bounced happily.
“Huh?” Kimira poked the little meat bun. “Since when do meat buns talk?”
“Heyyy! Kekona isn't a meat bun, Kekona is Kekona!”
“Come again?”
“Not only that, but Kekona is also the guardian of this seal! Kekona is short for Kero... kono... berus! Yeah, that! I'm the guardian of this here book filled with---Gyah! They're gone! Where'd they go!?” The meat bun --rather-- Kekona, searched the book in dramatically.
“You mean this?” Kimira poked the bun with the card.
“Yess! Yes, that's it! Okay, where are the others?”
“Well, I read this here Windy Card...”
“Yeah~” it nodded, or more like, since it had no neck, it moved its body into a nod.
“And there was this weird storm of wind...”
“Yeah?” it questioned anxiously.
“And they all flew away.” he sighed and went into a nervous laugh.
“Is that so?” Kekona joined him in fake laughter. “Hahaha... haha... haa... YOU WHAT!?”
~End Prologue
The crack goes on.
Also, Toumeki would like you know that he loves frilly dresses. And fanart. And kind words. He especially likes suggestions.
This chapter was brought to you by the first half of the first episode of CCS. I basically watched it and wrote down as I saw, adding a lilttle bit of this and that. You have no idea how hard it is to write this without writing "She" under Kimira.