Weekend Chat: I'm So Excited

Jan 28, 2012 13:02

Community Happenings: Fanfiction
Pride - Chapter 16* by janually
A Particular Item** by marybwolf
Inaccurate*** by blackestfaery
Fix You - Chapter 19*** by moodiful819
Oiroke no Sakura - Chapters 1 & 2*** by oniko_inuki

Community Happenings: Fanart
Kakashi vs. Sakura* by pentapus
Doodles* by kipre (plus a request)
Will of Fire Art - NOT KakaSaku*** by cynchick

Contests and Challenges
oroburos69 is hosting a KakaSaku Reverse Big Bang of epic proportions, for artists and authors alike. Artist sign-ups have closed, and their entries will be due on February 20th.  Writers can sign up until April 15th. There's room for everyone to participate in this one! There's also a post about submission guidelines for artists here.

Featured Member
There are only four more days to shower ronny_of_yore with love and affection as our January Featured Member. So if you haven't already, pop in at this post to let her know how much you love her and appreciate her work and how you would sell your soul for her.

Community Chat

These next 7 days are going to be some of the most exciting, and the most exhausting days of 2012 for me. Tonight, I'm going to my last Winter Formal, which is cool enough on its own. But once you factor in the fact that it's fairytale themed, which in high school basically means Disney themed... I think you can imagine why I'd be extra excited for it. And then tomorrow night, my awesome mother is taking me to L.A. for a late Christmas present. We're going to see Wicked at the Pantages Theatre, and we're going to be eating some ridiculously expensive sushi at Katsuya afterward. And then we'll be staying the night in the 5 star Redbury Hotel.

And the next day I'm skipping school just so I can go to Whimsic Alley. Don't act like you're not super jealous.

Monday night, I've got my first dress rehearsal for the play I'm doing called Almost Maine. And on Tuesday, I've got my first rehearsal for the Spring musical, Into the Woods. Almost Maine opens on Thursday night and runs through Saturday. So, while I may not have the time to eat, sleep, breathe, or write, I will be having loads of fun doing one of the things I love most - performing. I might combust from all the excitement, because I don't think I've ever been more excited in my life.

What was the last thing you got really, really excited for?

author: moodiful819, big bang 2012, artist: cynchick, author: janually, author: blackestfaery, author: oniko_inuki, community chat, author: marybwolf

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