Big Bang Notice!

Jan 15, 2012 15:23

Today is the last day to sign up as an artist for the KakaSaku Reverse Big Bang!

What are the requirements for artists?

Every artist will be required to produce one completed piece of work, but they can do more so long as it continues on the same theme and could be used in the same story. It will be a story prompt, meaning that it should have some kind of story elements. Fanmixes need to have cover art.

Whatever you draw/edit/photomanip/create needs to have Kakashi or Sakura in it, whether though symbolism (a cherry tree or a scarecrow or a dog) or in fact (actual drawing of them).

The artwork must be at least 500 pixel in length or height. Larger is fine, though keep in mind that you will be posting on LJ.

If, after talking to your author(s), you decide that you’d like to create more art for their story, that’s fantastic! But you have no obligation to do so. Likewise, volunteering to draw more for one author does not mean that you must do so for everyone who has claimed your prompt.

Credit your sources.

Sign up here, if you're interested.
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