May 29, 2007 20:15
There has been a shuffle at work, and I am now in charge of all merchandising, not just multimedia. My other multimedia duties are kind of up in the air at the moment. If nothing else, this will give me wider experience for when I move on.
Speaking of which, no word from Chicago yet, which doesn't surprise me. I was told it would be two weeks, and the two weeks is up tomorrow, so I hope to hear something by the end of the week. I'm just sick of everyone at work asking me every time they walk by. Do they think I would keep it a secret or something?
Nothing else going on. Boring week outside work. I went down to Indy on Saturday, for food and a movie with Jake, but that was the only interesting thing to happen all week. I guess I was due for a slow week after the hectic times I've had lately. Of course, I'm hoping for next week to be hectic, trying to fit in a trip to Chicago for an interview. I hope this second interview, if I get it, will be in person again and not on the phone. I do so much better when I can gauge a person's reaction fully.
Keep your fingers crossed.