Hi guys. I just want to let you know in case you're here and are wondering where that nice MxF banner went. I'm in the process of updating the layout of my journal for my new book I will be posting from now. So please forgive the glitches and let me know when you find one. I may also be moving links and changing things around, which my include switching some posts to friends only and removing some, but what you may need in terms of fics should still be accessible. As I am cleaning all this up for Obsidian (for those who have read it by another name, my dear beta has slaughtered that title and made me come up with a new one because it reminds her of Twilight LOL She has yet to approve this so it may still change for the third time! *gosh I love her*), links to CI may be reorganized. If you can't find anything please PM me. But the whole CI trilogy as you know is already in PDF format, and I will be sharing links to PDF of CI one shots soon after this to complete the set.
Since the Epilogue is done, I have put the last chapters into the PDF file of Retribution to complete it. The link to download the complete Retribution arc is here:
http://www.mediafire.com/view/du76ii25jk1t7ty/Retribution_Complete.pdf Sorry for the redundancy of downloads, but some readers needed to catch up before the last chapter is posted. ^^! Let me know if there are problems. (Please keep comments regarding last chapters on the Epilogue post if you're willing, not here as I would very much like to keep them in one place). Again thank you for your patience for waiting forever for me to finish this fic and please don't hesitate to let me know your thoughts even if you hate it. The important thing is that I need to know MxF Fei fans are still around or else there's really no point of writing anymore of them especially when my time is extremely limited (sorry ^^! but I really did have to wake up at 4am to write these last few chapters).
*hugs all*