Title: Retribution Three
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Major angst + Tragedy
Characters: Fei Long, Alexei, Yoh
Spoiler: Spoiler for NT arc
Disclaimer: All characters belong to YA sensei.
angel0399 Previous Chapters: On the side bar of my lj
kajornwan TRANSLATIONS UPDATE: CI (first arc) is now being translated into Polish by
yoan_chan *hugs*. The first chapter is finished
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Comments 76
so many questions arising: who ordered the gunning of the penthouse and how did they know about its occupants? why is Yoh around, anyway? how will Mik react to his brother's death? what'll happen to Fei Long's haven of peace, just offered but already distroyed, which even if he kept it is now tainted by the tragic end of Alex? what am i going to eat for lunch? xDD
thx for the ride, and though i'm not in the habit of pressing ppl for updates, this chapter srsly needs answers *soon* ^_^
me too i'd love to make movies.. *sigh*. this said, try to find a real 3D fei Long worth his 2D counterpart.. might take months of scanning the best model agencies in china or the next asian countries..
i must be the absolute one-paragraph killer-writer! maybe i should start writing one-paragraph fics instead of the ones lying halfwritten and dusty in my pc fanfic folder - at least this'd satisfy my addiction to procrastination XDDD
well, the honor of writing your summary would be entirely mine ^^.
ruining everyone's life.. okaaaay. now i really wonder and cringe!
but as this still is a m/m fic, don't make the angst too "bottomless" - pun intended ( ... )
Actually, you are the absolute one-paragraph killer. I keep wanting to read your fics after seeing how beautifully you write in your comments but I have no time to read much these days. *Cries* I've missed so many Fei fics lately and it's such a crime *kicks self*
but as this still is a m/m fic, don't make the angst too "bottomless" - pun intended ~
LOL I will try, though I still don't see an opening in this arc at this point (pun-intended)T_T
Thank you for commenting too.
Fei already was living with the burden of being responsible of his father's death, now you even had to condemn him to live with the burden of Alexei's death (I suppose Fei Long thinks it was himself the real and main target) and Mikhail's almost suicide with drugs.
And I am really sad for Alexei himself cause I liked him for not cheating on Fei Long anymore but loving him as a friend or as a lover... or even as the lover of his brother.
Have we reached the peak of the tragedy or there's even more?
And yes, Fei is already stricken with guilt over his father, now he will guilt over Alexei's death, and Mikhail's drug overdose. On the other hand, do not forget what Mikhail is going through and where and with whom Alexei was found dead. If you ask me, I'm actually doing this more to torture Mikhail actually, and if it's any consolation, Fei will have to be the one to pull him out of that hell.
I'm glad you are sad for Alexei as I am. I love him a lot, truly.
Have we reached the peak of the tragedy or there's even more?On the scale of 1-10, I would say about ( ... )
On the scale of 1-10, I would say about 6.
And honestly tell me...do you think that us already poor deprived Fei Long's (and Mikhail's XD) fans could deserve even such a punishment?!?
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