Title: Retribution Three
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Major angst + Tragedy
Characters: Fei Long, Alexei, Yoh
Spoiler: Spoiler for NT arc
Disclaimer: All characters belong to YA sensei.
angel0399 Previous Chapters: On the side bar of my lj
kajornwan TRANSLATIONS UPDATE: CI (first arc) is now being translated into Polish by
yoan_chan *hugs*. The first chapter is finished
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me too i'd love to make movies.. *sigh*. this said, try to find a real 3D fei Long worth his 2D counterpart.. might take months of scanning the best model agencies in china or the next asian countries..
i must be the absolute one-paragraph killer-writer! maybe i should start writing one-paragraph fics instead of the ones lying halfwritten and dusty in my pc fanfic folder - at least this'd satisfy my addiction to procrastination XDDD
well, the honor of writing your summary would be entirely mine ^^.
ruining everyone's life.. okaaaay. now i really wonder and cringe!
but as this still is a m/m fic, don't make the angst too "bottomless" - pun intended ~
hm.. as today was my last free day, i stayed glued to the comp reading smut and instead of cooking i had a packet of crackers for lunch *gets fat* xDD
dunno about sanity.. many artists were all sick, mad, or addicted - take Van Gogh, Beethoven, most writers *LOL*
Actually, you are the absolute one-paragraph killer. I keep wanting to read your fics after seeing how beautifully you write in your comments but I have no time to read much these days. *Cries* I've missed so many Fei fics lately and it's such a crime *kicks self*
but as this still is a m/m fic, don't make the angst too "bottomless" - pun intended ~
LOL I will try, though I still don't see an opening in this arc at this point (pun-intended)T_T
don't worry. my meanwhile over 1 year not updated fic is patiently waiting and catching dust, and the other 3chp finished one won't get away either ^^
sure, any smex right now would be utterly disturbing somehow..
Actually I am *is ashamed* And I should know better, being in the field of both graphic design and programming. I guess I was just hoping there's some awesome technology out there?
there is.. magic ^^
horse riding??? gawd. another proof you're just tops *LOL*. i keep a safe distance from those huge creatures, and i discovered that they make me sneeze&cough as well..
imagine that: is it getting embarrassing when you have to facepalm because after 10 months of crossing the station weekly, you still go "heh? where is my exit?" 0_o
you can say what you want my dear, every time you try to put yourself down, you come up with something else where you just rule xDD
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