Aug 14, 2005 22:16
Yeah, sorry I've neglected this. I've been meaning to write for a very long time now, but I've been so busy with school and everything, it just kinda went by the wayside.
California is... well... okay. Don't get me wrong, I like it out here, and I'm glad I came, but, as the old adage goes, you don't know you'll miss something till it's gone. There's lots of stuff I miss back in Louisville that I didn't even realize I would miss.
I also feel like I'm having a slight crisis of identity out here. I don't know how to explain it really. But the best I can say is just that I don't really have any personal space, and no way to really get some personal space. I still don't have a car, so I can't really go anywhere, but I don't always want to stay at home. And since I don't have a car, I can't just get in and drive around for a little while aimlessly, which is something that really seems to help sometimes. I know that Pat doesn't really have space of his own either, but at least he can go out for a little while if he wanted to. Yes, yes... I could walk to the beach and all that crap, but it's not the same. Call me lazy or whatever you want, but I don't really want to walk somewhere only to find out that I'm thoroughly bored out of my mind and then have to walk all the way back, still bored out of my mind. Really the only place I can go for a few hours is the darkroom, and that's not even that great since there's almost invariably someone else there who will insist on talking to me. I guess I'm just feeling a little claustrophobic.
In other news, this second session at Brooks is kicking my ass hardcore. The technical assignments are graded with an irritatingly anal rententiveness that is driving me up a fucking wall. I've passed the requesite three assignments to pass the class, but if I fuck up the last three, I can kiss my GPA goodbye. I've already flunked two of them and have to reshoot six of the shots from the sixth technical, which I don't even know what was wrong with them in the first goddamn place. If you can't tell, I'm just a little frustrated.
Well... my birthday is in two weeks and my dad is flying out to visit for that. That's really the only other news at the moment. I have to go write a psych paper before I can go to bed and I am dead tired. Pat, bless him, is fixing dinner tonight. I still need to make some coffee or this paper isn't getting written. Well... guess it's time to go. I promise I'll update again, and within a shorter amount of time. Really... I swear.
Yeah... right.