
Aug 05, 2009 01:12

Title: Tadaima
Genre: fluffy fluffy fluff~~
Pairing: sakuraiba
Rating: PG
Summary: Sho returns from his trip to New York
Disclamer: I just own the plotbunny... his name is Bruno, wanna pet it?
Note: betad by the lovely

kon_bl and dedicated to no one this time, if you are a sakuraiba fan, this one is for you. also this is my first try in writing fluff, so please be gentleXD


The word echoed through the empty apartment. He hadn't expected for Aiba to be there. He knew that he had work to do, yet- something inside him had hoped for him to be around and welcome him.

Sho dropped his suitcase at the entrance. Even though his trip to New York hadn't been that long, it felt like he had been away from home, and Aiba, for a very long time. The huge time difference was probably the main reason for that and the flight had taken the last bit of power he had left.

He yawned while he took his shoes off.

He couldn't wait to tell the younger one everything about his trip; to show him the pictures and the souvenirs he had bought for him and the rest of the band. But since Aiba was still at work and probably wouldn’t come back before late in the evening, he could actually take a little nap, right?

While walking to the bedroom, Sho wondered why on earth he was so damn tired. He had slept almost the entire flight and still he felt so exhausted that he could barely keep his eyes open.

He stripped to his shorts and lay down on his side of the bed that he shared with Aiba. The moment his head felt the comfortable pillow, he was already off to dreamland.



Aiba thought while he fumbled for his keys.

Today was the day Sho was supposed to come back from New York and Aiba had waited desperately for a message or a call from his beloved one. But since he hadn't received anything, he figured that Sho was probably still on the plane.

He opened the door and his heart skipped a beat as he saw the familiar pair of sneakers and a suitcase in the entrance.

He's back!

He smiled cheerfully and slipped off his shoes and ran towards the living room, in expectation to see Sho working on his laptop as usual. Much to his surprise, the living room was empty and quiet. So was the whole apartment now that he paused and thought about it.

Had he already left again? That couldn’t be possible. He thought Sho would have missed him as much as he did and would definitely be there in the evening to tell him everything about his trip.

Aiba sighed and walked to the bedroom. He wanted to change into his favorite sweatpants and try to distract himself until Sho would come back.

He opened the door. In the bed was a familiar figure almost completely hidden by a blanket.

“Sho-chan!” Aiba shouted cheerfully before he realized that it was a bit too loud and impulsively covered his mouth with his own hands.

The other one didn't seem to have noticed. In fact, he didn't even move or sigh or- whatever.

Aiba moved closer to the bed and kneeled down next to the sleeping one. The peaceful and relaxed expression on Sho's face made him smile. During the day, Sho was usually too busy, handling the Arashi TV shows, Zero and the hobbies he desperately wanted to keep.

He could imagine him in New York. Going to the Yatterman premiere, shooting for Zero and trying to see every inch of the gorgeous city. He doubted that he had actually slept at all during his trip.

He wanted to welcome him, wanted to tell him everything that had happened here while he had been away, and most importantly, wanted to hear every little detail of his trip, but he also wanted him to have some rest.

His hand went up to Sho's head, gently and carefully caressing the brown hair. He smiled once again before he started to take his own clothes off as well, crawling under the blanket and lying next to him. Wrapping an arm around him from behind, he could feel the warmth of the other one's body. He wasn't really tired, but he wanted to spend some time with Sho, wanted to feel him and have him close. Aiba closed his eyes and leaned closer against Sho's back.

“Okaeri,” he whispered and kissed the other one's hair gently.

so, what do you think? should i give fluff a try again or stick with angst?XD comments are <3<3<3 as always^^

fluff, fic, sakuraiba, welcome back setsu, my written stuff

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