i can't believe it took me so long to do that....

Jul 27, 2009 01:43

here it finally is, the post about my little vacation in Berlin~~~ at least one person is excited now, right? *looks at kon*

so on monday the 6th i arrived in berlin at carey's. actually i was supposed to show up on wednesday, but weeny, who was also staying at carey's for a week asked me if i could come earlier, so i did. we didn't do much on that day, since i got there after work at 11 in the evening...
on tuesday we went to the hair-dresser. weeny with a picture of kamiyama, me with a picture of aiba and carey... well, carey wasn't supposed to get a haircut but couldn't resist and decided to get uchi's hairstyleXDDD a total new experience for the hair-dresser, three girls showing up with potatos and demanding to have their hair cut like these boys haveXDDD after that, we went to the zoo and walked around there, for maaaaaaaaaany hours (at least that was what it felt like for my feetXD)
here are some pics:

we found jun~~~ he kept following us the whole day.... kind ofXD

and aiba as well~~~ that meerkat really looked like it would play the harmonica, that was so adorable *__*

no real reason for that pic, i just love his facial expressionXD

after the zoo, i went to visit haya to finish my cosplay for carey's b-day party at thursday... and the wednesday was for shoppingXD weeny and me got the potatos we wanted (with the super hot sho pic (*__*) *points at profile, that one*  and a quizshow poster) and i bought another myojo... hm... what else did we do? ah we went to a store for fabric and to an asian store, where the other three got all hyped up about asian food (at that point of the day my feet hurt again and i didn't really care anymoreXD)

have you successfully skipped everything i said until that point? good girls, because now, you get to see the cosplay pics and that's all you wanted to see right?XD

our MJ with a picture of MJ^^

Sho and Matsujun reading and discussing....

in the end, Sho had the better arguments^^

wonder what ohmiya are doing meanwhile?

Leader's trying to fish in the little pond...

and Ninomiya doesn't seem to like that....

but hey, in the end, they always end up being together again, ne?

and start to do indecent stuff....^^;;;;

the only thing left for Jun and Sho is to walk away before the things get too embarrassingXD

you get what i mean, right?

i'm too tired to drop creative comments, so here are random piccsXD


Sakumoto are having fun~

Ninomiya is starting a fight....

and Sho gets hit by surpriseXD

SUPER BOYS *sorry for that one*

WE ARE COOL~~~ *feels bricked for that one*

but in the end, Leader reminds everyone of who the coolest one in this group is... (does that sentence make sense? aaaargh it's too late in the night for grammarXD)

see how cruel he is? you would have never thougt that, right?

even his lover gets beat up? and you always wondered how he stops nino from getting to bratty, right?XD

the eternal question.... ohmiya or juntoshi? ohmiya wins due to super-devotedness by a certain Ninomiya...

but Jun doesn't seem to care....

he is way to cool for that! (i love the reflection of the other onesXD)

after that, we walked back to carey apartment and played aiba's boardgame, there are pictures of that of course, but i won't post them. they are privat and for our pleasure onlyXD

so, there is only one question left, right? who am i? which arashi-member am i cosplaying? okay, that are two questions, but hey... i am tired~~~
i would like to see that  you take some time and try to guess which one i am, and for those who already know, please don't ruin the fun and tell them ne?
happy guessing~~~ i'm off to beddo~~ *is taking aiba-sensei along*
@kon: hope you like the picturesXD

cosplay, are you really reading all that?, i love domino the movie, tired, arashi arashi for dream~, my back hurts... guess i'm getting old, rl, animals, damn i hate being sick

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